Other > Closed suggestions
Shop items
My suggestion: Shopkeepers items
a) should repair themselves over time slightly 1% day (and the same % stack)
b) should repair themselves over time slightly to each 10% value, ie 10% 20% 30% etc (and stack)
The thing is I dont really believe that a player initially wants to buy 78% deterriorated gun over 79% because it costs 5 caps less. On some vendors you cant even scroll down full speed with high barter 80%. I mean, the whole idea like it is now is that it is unacessible storage, its unlike fallout (where no deterioration existed, but! you could conveniently scroll and there werent so many items)
I think the devs are working on a solution to stack items. ...Like RADIOS
Imo whenever you trade an item a script should delete the item and spawn a brand new one in the traders inventory.
Or, the trader should have 300 repair and repair everything they receive
another idea, the unstackable weapons of 1 type should be limited to 5 (different type of deterrioration of course 100% new ones stack). Theres no point in greater number.
--- Quote from: kraskish on April 29, 2010, 01:10:59 am ---another idea, the unstackable weapons of 1 type should be limited to 5 (different type of deterrioration of course 100% new ones stack). Theres no point in greater number.
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Bad idea. Guns are useful and five can be bought within ten minutes and then you're left with going to another town because the remaining 15 someone sold were deleted.
Why not make radios "bad" like brahmin shit so that you can't sell them? Brass knuckles (if you are strong), weak healing powder (if you are smart), rope (if you have high endurance and generally travel) are good alternatives that do stack and don't cause as many problems for shop-goers.
--- Quote from: blahblah on April 29, 2010, 08:05:44 am ---Bad idea. Guns are useful and five can be bought within ten minutes and then you're left with going to another town because the remaining 15 someone sold were deleted.
Why not make radios "bad" like brahmin shit so that you can't sell them? Brass knuckles (if you are strong), weak healing powder (if you are smart), rope (if you have high endurance and generally travel) are good alternatives that do stack and don't cause as many problems for shop-goers.
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I meant that the 100% repaired weapons (due to repair skills of the vendor) should stack or up to repair levels of 10% 20% etc, so in the first option there could be 20 new ones an 5 of lesser quality
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