Other > Closed suggestions
Shop items
I don't think weapons can stack at all. But preventing selling radios is a quick and painful way of helping with flooded shops.
--- Quote from: blahblah on April 30, 2010, 12:34:11 am ---I don't think weapons can stack at all. But preventing selling radios is a quick and painful way of helping with flooded shops.
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A simpler solution would be to make selling them unprofitable.
Radios are produced at $2000 an hour, they are no more or less profitable than any other level 0 item. Seems to be a leftover from the early, unbalanced system when radios actually were good to craft.
--- Quote from: Solar on April 30, 2010, 10:01:11 am ---Radios are produced at $2000 an hour, they are no more or less profitable than any other level 0 item. Seems to be a leftover from the early, unbalanced system when radios actually were good to craft.
--- End quote ---
Radios sell for 300.
1 Junk is 2 minutes timeout (I think?). That's 30 junk in an hour. 6 junk gives one radio, so that's 5 radios an hour and 5*300= 1500 caps an hour.
Weak Healing powder sells for 40.
3 xander root or broc flowers give 7 minutes of timeout. That's 25.71428 an hour. And multiplied by 40 it gives you 1028.57142 caps an hour.
Ropes are for 100 each.
2 fibres give you 2 minutes timeout. That's 60 an hour. 30 ropes an hour and it's worth 3000 caps.
All three are level 0 items, right?
What gathering timeouts are and what they should be are different things, until I can catch up with scypior, then they'll get fixed.
You can also gather faster than you can craft, so you really are able to have 2k crafted and $500 left over in raw materials.
1 junk should be 1 minute timeout, so you can gather 60 in a minute. $25 each piece = $1500 an hour.
$1000 of this is used to create $2000 worth of radios, $500 is the surplus.
$2000 in radios is 6.67 radios, so 60/6.67 = 9 mins - which is what a radio timeout *should* be.
Currently we also have some odd bug where timeouts are not the right length for some things either. ::)
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