Other > Closed suggestions
NPC vedors stop being morons who buying everything
Is it boring to scroll NPC's stock list and don't know it's scrolling or not, because list don't changing, because you see there 483765384 radios or 5476834 10mm pistols or 3453458 BB guns in a row. Or when you see 10k needler cartriges and 5k BBs at shop, you think what an idiot must be that trader to buy this all.
If trader has more than 8 units of the same type of weapon or more than 800 of the same type of ammo (80 for rockets) or 40 drugs/medicaments, he'll say "No thanks, I don't need more." or buy it, but for only 10% of it's price.
oh come on man, the ammo i disagree about, however,the list needs to be shortened by an amazing ammount...
--- Quote from: gordulan on April 27, 2010, 11:31:21 am ---oh come on man, the ammo i disagree about, however,the list needs to be shortened by an amazing ammount...
--- End quote ---
Then atleast make limit for unstackable items, so weapon/radio/armor, etc.
Good auggestion. Every sane trader would tell one to get lost if that person comes there and wants to swap 526482 pieces of junk in exchange for that shiny rifle over there. It shouldnt be allowed to swap humongous amounts of crap to get a single good item. Therefore are a caps, the currency in the wasteland.
Being able to swap crap for good stuff requires the barter skill. It is pretty much the entire point of it now.
All that we need is to lower the respawn rate of the traders, which will get done sooner or later, then the trader lists will become shorter naturally.
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