Other > Closed suggestions

Replace Traps in Demo expert requirement with throwing

(1/4) > >>

120% to put into a skill that has 0 use is a waste, since all the weapons you can make with it are throwing and most professions that create weapons have that weapon skill in the requirements.

Why terrorist bomber should know how to throw rocks, knives and grenades, when all he need is big crowd of people and shout crazy senseless words before explosion? To make dynamite you must have alot science skill.

better replace science not traps :>

Wow you guys are brilliant, science is obviously important for making explosives and dynamite isn't a trap. Also dynamite is like a bonus item, grenades are the reason for the profession. Not everyone makes explosives chars just to bomb NCR.

by knowing how to throw items you wont learn how to make explosives if you  say that you need science.


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