_Youkai_, fix there http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=4612.0
goto \FOnline\data\art\intrfaceinside the interface folder is a .ini file named default, go into it and change ;IntB0bjPicDown=SATURBDN.FRMIntB0bjPicDown=iface_obj.png;êîîðäèíàòû îáëàñòè àêòèâíîãî îáúåêòàIntB0bj=426 52 608 113IntB0bjOffsX=0IntB0bjOffsY=-2to;IntBItemPicDown=SATURBDN.FRMIntBItemPicDown=iface_obj.png;êîîðäèíàòû îáëàñòè àêòèâíîãî îáúåêòàIntBItem=426 52 608 113IntBItemOffsX=0IntBItemOffsY=-2then change SplitW0bj=15 43 108 107toSplitWItem=15 43 108 107and the last one TimerW0bj=15 43 108 107toTimerWItem=15 43 108 107
I dont have any line like this... :/
then look faction1024.ini or same see the file faction1024.ini or similar