Other > Suggestions

Roleplaying in cities

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After the SDK is released, everyone can prove that "editing the files is so easy." and so  on. Hopefully then people start to realize that's it not that easy to "lol, lets change some number in the engine" etc. Learn Angeslcript and some basic Scripting Maneuvers and there you go. But I doubt that any of the "I take the SDK Files and make a better FOnline" wiill make it to the third month.. Also, RP only servers won't happen.

There will definitely be more potential for RP once the van buren models are implemented.

technically however you play your character is "roleplaying" if your a douche going around killing people then your a douche that goes around being lawless aka Raider or Marauder, or Highwayman etc... if you've got somekinda story then great! but your still a douche like the rest of us and your still playing your role as your created character... if your an internet tuff guy then you strengh of "average" suits your role right? Your going to eventually be a douche and kill someone so in the end your just roleplaying... with that said and taken seriously welcome to the new RP only FOnline 2238


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