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Are you intersted in a Full Role play dedicated server

Yes i would like it and take part of that server for sure
That'a a good idea, depend on the rules
Yes this is a good idea, but i don't know if i would take part of that server
I don't really care cause i don't play Role play
So fucking what!!! Screw you whit that dedicated Role Play server, you scum!!!!

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Author Topic: Roleplaying in cities  (Read 13025 times)

Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2010, 09:18:25 am »

The problem for town roleplay is bombers not people with guns. As soon as you draw your weapon everyone sees it and has a split-second to react. That's good.
With bombs you just see a normal person walking to you saying "hi" and then he explodes killing everyone.

But what you guys thinking of the 1 life per player, the Doc will have to react fast and will be really needed in town and group of player to revive them instantly...

And maybe that the turn by turn can be activate on town when its attacked, like the mayor or any police officer in charge of the town could start anytime to let the town have some time to react and organize themselves (Maybe like you give special items, that can be officer badge for the town that have the option to turn the fight turn by turn, and can't be looted, i don't know if it is possible to do, just throwing the idea)...

And i would like to be able to capture slave as player's, i don't know if that option already exist cause im not slaver whit my char on the actual server... That could be really nice role play for those who call them bad guy's... Could be also bad thing's for people who get captured, but... the slaver's could sell their slave to the town's who need any slave or wathever you could do whit slave's. We have to mention that the slave could try to escape, like a real life slave's can always do... but it can be dangerous to do ;)   

And it can be usefull for those who call them bounty hunter and want to bring back their... prey...
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 09:20:35 am by Hannibal »
I dreamed of a world, where all our children can live...
to be raised and cooked in a good brahim meat pie...
Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2010, 10:25:31 am »

Town Gestion example:

1st: leader of the town,getting the title of mayor... The 1st mayor of the town should
     receive a certain amount of caps to get the town started. He should also receive
     the key to all building in his town that he could sell to bank, player's or just
     rent it per week/months (in game or real life)

Building #1---> The police headquarter: That mean a police station or sheriff building
                                                        whit cell's to lock the minor criminal(Thief's,
                                                        Brawler's, hooligan's, sell prohibited stuff's,
                                                        didnt paid his bill to vendor's or his monthly
                                                        bill's for rented house.)

                                                        The police station should be filled whit good stuff to help defend the town and his
                                                        citizen's. Like good weapons, armor, handcuff's to arrest some criminal's
                                                        mabe some taser gun to stun player's instead of killing them to arrest them,
                                                        rubber ammo can do the job too...

             #2---> The Bank: A bank whit caps that the mayor give to the bank owner.
                          The bank can use those caps to: - Loan caps to citizen's
                                                          - Loan caps to shop buyer
                       - Loan caps to buy a house
                        - Loan money to anyone have good reason
                       - Buy back a house or shop

           The bank can also be usefull to keep money in safe whit guaranteed
           and having a collection team well armed to send money from shop to bank
           ( Anyway, anything a bank can do ;)  )

        #3---> The bar/Restaurant: Where you can buy any kind of food/beverage... maybe some drugs
                                    who really know...

        #4---> A gun shop: Where you can buy any ''legal'' weapon's and ammo's, maybe armor

        #5---> A General store: Where you can find any usefull stuff that you need for every day life

             * A town can choose to sell or rent the workbench building as workshop or just free to use...
                or simply put a taxe for the use of the workbench...

   So any citizen should be able to find a work on the town, cause we all know that the bar owner won't
stay at his bar 24/24 and he should have other thing to do than just stay there... Same for any shop owner
So any citizen's of the town will be usefull for the town and will be able to take his part of the wealth city.

   We all know that to supply the shop's someone will need to craft the stuff and supply the city, so a crafter
will find his place too and can get work easily.

   How can't we mention the town Doc... Very usefull when the thing going bad, if a hunter get back to town and his blind
To save the life of a police officer who get shot on his duty... So the doc can hire some emergency people that can go
anywhere in town, to save someone fast... Or just rent the service of some medic to follow the hunter's or adventurer's...

* I think each shop can be supplied when it's bought, then the owner have to make it rolling and buy what he think
 will be needed... (Like the GM's fill the shop whit what they think can be sold in that kind of shop, and owner have
 to deal whit it to get started...)

*Caravan merchant can find their place too by suplying a city whit another, buying food in a town who have lot and deliver
 the food in exchange of metal part's or anything else that he could sell at the first town... There is so many possibility
 to find his place in that kind of world, it all depend of how people think they can start their own buisness and make their
 name there.

*So whit 25 or 30 people to get a town started can be enough to start the town, so if we fill 2 town as trial whit 25 to 30 people as test for the server, then when it's rolling, you can open another town... then another one... If a mayor piss off his citizen's they always can try to go see in the other town if the life is better there, or become raider's or hunter that live near the town in their tent... Anyway, i think you can all see the pattern to get it started.

*It should be good to give addiction more often, so player's will need their 'drug' or alcohool, so they will have to find what 
  they need in town's... Like i mentioned in my earlier post, the player's should also get weakned if they don't eat something

« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 10:31:05 am by Hannibal »
I dreamed of a world, where all our children can live...
to be raised and cooked in a good brahim meat pie...


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Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2010, 10:28:08 am »

i was thinking something more like new haven from borderlands when it comes to a town, we have the actual town, surrounded by a junkyard, which contains a hidden raider camp, once every day the raiders assault the town (they have no beter weapons that 10mm smgs)

if the raiders win the fight, the policemen switch roles with the raiders
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 10:36:33 am by gordulan »
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Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #33 on: April 29, 2010, 11:04:07 am »

How about bombs in peoples' inventory only destroys the person who's carrying it?


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Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2010, 11:06:25 am »

hmm, removing splash damage could be an option.
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2010, 11:09:49 am »

How about bombs in peoples' inventory only destroys the person who's carrying it?

But i think that player's could put timer to 1 min for example, then drop it on ground when 5 sec still on timer... So it will not stop the suicide bomber to do damage... I don't really know how the explosive working, but... i think they can always find a way to mess whit that
I dreamed of a world, where all our children can live...
to be raised and cooked in a good brahim meat pie...
Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2010, 11:12:48 am »

or if they force the timer to start only when it's dropped whit like 2 or 5 min timer needed, people should have time to react and disable the explosive device... It still can be dropped on a box or something, but it will make more sense, than just come in middle of people in NCR and blow them out
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 11:14:22 am by Hannibal »
I dreamed of a world, where all our children can live...
to be raised and cooked in a good brahim meat pie...
Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2010, 10:18:16 pm »

What about just
(over the player head, visible for all)
Tick tack tick tack
20 19 18 17 16...

Look, he has a bomb, *bang*, get away from this body, it will blow after a while


Let me disarm this bomb *click*, now it is safe.
Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #38 on: May 03, 2010, 06:06:01 am »

Personally I had a lot of fun in the bar with Kilgore and the bar man and such. Had good times beating the latter to death with my fists.

Mr Feltzer

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Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2010, 08:14:13 am »

After the SDK Is Released the RP Server Will be Pwnd. Would be Fun, Wont go on Forever.
Founder of Fallout Online Australia


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Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2010, 08:55:58 am »

After the SDK is released, everyone can prove that "editing the files is so easy." and so  on. Hopefully then people start to realize that's it not that easy to "lol, lets change some number in the engine" etc. Learn Angeslcript and some basic Scripting Maneuvers and there you go. But I doubt that any of the "I take the SDK Files and make a better FOnline" wiill make it to the third month.. Also, RP only servers won't happen.
Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #41 on: May 05, 2010, 12:11:56 am »

There will definitely be more potential for RP once the van buren models are implemented.
Re: Roleplaying in cities
« Reply #42 on: May 08, 2010, 02:01:50 am »

technically however you play your character is "roleplaying" if your a douche going around killing people then your a douche that goes around being lawless aka Raider or Marauder, or Highwayman etc... if you've got somekinda story then great! but your still a douche like the rest of us and your still playing your role as your created character... if your an internet tuff guy then you strengh of "average" suits your role right? Your going to eventually be a douche and kill someone so in the end your just roleplaying... with that said and taken seriously welcome to the new RP only FOnline 2238
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