Other > Suggestions

Taming (Everything)

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still sounds pretty good... having 3 lil geckos would be a great distraction in tb combat... but the true purpose of taming small critters would be to level them up and bring a rat with 11hp at lvl1 to have 30hp at level 21... it would still be useless but if it was easy to level them up to 21 they would be pretty useful in tb when you go out looking for raiders or geckos...

taming big critters would be unbalanced (maybe...their just critters after all; fucking weak) but if you could tame a baby deathclaw and raise it to be a deathclaw eventually that would be sweet... super mutants should be a challenge but bah they dont really seem tamable but then again Lenny in NCR is a domesticated super mutant from Fallout 1 ... and I strongly believe that if the npcs can do it in the Fallout lore why not the player? They implemented crafting soooooooooooo yeah...

guna b a tough call but they should atleast definately allow the taming of small critters... maybe they should lock  this post?

Supermutants have human intelligence, you can't really "tame" them. Lizards can't be tamed because they don't have the brain for it, dogs are trainable because they evolved to work in social groups.

What Roachor said.

Also keep in mind, sure people can tame dangerous animals in Real Life. But first - the game don't need to be realistic, second, all the creatures dwelling the wasteland are much more dangerous then our Real Life animals (death claws, fire geckos etc. in "our" world those  are just chamaleons, lizards etc)

people can be manipulated expecially from a pretty face

i bet a tiger can easly take out even a golden gecko,  geckos may be mutated, but there just not as fast as a Tiger or im betting as strong as a Lion  :-\ and some people keep thoes komoto dragons, yeah just a Lizard, but it can just bite you and the desieses it carrys from all thoes things it eats fill you and eventualy kills you (at least thats what i've read), not to mention the large chunk it could possibaly take out of you, and thoes were tamed and kept as companions, and course the game dosent have to be realistic, but it dosent have to stop something potentialy good coming in, thats what this part of the forum is for isent it? real life or made up, as long as its good (and balanced) hopfully it will be put in and make a bunch of people happy and more people would play if they had more options,

also i just realized that yes a desert stalker is a bug, i dont pay much attechin to things im trying to run to the other side of the map lolz,
sooo.... i guess that it is, im guessing a hive critter, if its like a ant i mean, but i have yet to see a Desert Stalker queen, but if it is a hive creature then im sure it cant be tameable


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