Other > Suggestions
Taming (Everything)
While I was playing, I had an idea: What if animals (non-sentient) only attacked on sight based upon your outdoorsmanship + charisma? A certain level would be necessary, but when you got in high enough, the animals would fail to attack you (and only you) when you approached them.
This lead to the obvious thought that even higher capacity with outdoorsman would let you literally capture anything as a follower, but that's been brought up before, I believe.
how about being able to slave (tame) most critters in the game ? and getting them to level up ?
Mr Feltzer:
This Has Been Suggested, A MILLION TIMES!!! And I Like it.
It shouldnt be based on CHA, i don't think that molerats cares if you look good.
charisma is more than looking good, it's about your actions, for example, if you're charismatic enough you can mimic a molerat so well, it gets confused just about what in the hell you are.
still wanna tame baby deathclaws and breed them for profits, selling em for 2000 caps each, making a force of formidable attack (dogs?) and later invading ncr with 250 of em.
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