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Author Topic: Cooldown notifier  (Read 11759 times)


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Cooldown notifier
« on: January 02, 2010, 01:05:30 pm »

I've made a piece of dumb software which should help you a little bit with cooldowns.
Simply - user will write down the cooldown, hit enter and when CD will run out, he will be notified - visually and eventually by sound. This sw doesn't interact with client itself at all. CDs and descriptions for particular actions can be saved.

1. download & run
download zip archive from, unpack. There is exe, .jar and .bat file. Run it by double clicking the .exe one. The exe is only wrapped .jar file, so you don't have to run it by .bat. If you don't believe .exe extension at all, use bat (however annoying window will be displayed then. Maybe with some debug messages).
If nothing happens, you probably don't have Java installed. Get it (download Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE)). If still nothing, let me know.

2. GUI

desc. - description, write whatever you want
CD - cooldown - specify cooldown for given action (e.g. 6 for digging)
ETA - displays how much time left before timeout runs out. If ETA is less than one minute, seconds will be shown.
play sound checkbox - if you'll specify path in textbox below (just click at it), sw will play a sound when finished.
on top - window will stay on top - it has no effect when you're playing in full screen mode.
save settings - will save descriptions and cooldown to settings.cfg file. Will NOT save actual running timeouts.

3. Usage
Let's say you've just made a gun and you want be notified when timeout runs out.
- fill the description (you don't have to, of course), write cooldown (for example 120)  to the cooldown textbox and hit enter. Textbox will become yellow and in ETA will be shown "120". This means that counting is in progress.
- when counting will come to zero, textbox become red and (eventually) sound will be played. You'll stop playing by clicking to sw window (not on any items, just to the empty space). Only WAVs can be played and delay between every sound is 5 sec.
- if you want to restart counting, just click to the cooldown textbox and hit enter again.
- if you feel that descriptions and their cooldowns may become handy next time, hit "save settings" button. All these values will be stored in settings.cfg file and will be loaded when running sw next time.

4. Disclaimer
As I already wrote, it is a piece of dumb software, there isn't really much catched exceptions, so it can crash if you'll do something really unexpected. So please - don't. If you don't like it, don't use it. If you like it and have some suggestion, feel free to let me know.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 03:01:32 pm by Cpt.Rookie »
Server-Boy - FOnline servers statistics
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Re: CD notifier
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 12:26:07 pm »

maybe i can use it at work... when it too boring  ;D
I'm sorry for my poor English. Please correct me, I will learn
"Hell," said Tanner. "That's my name...." (с)
Re: CD notifier
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2010, 10:33:45 am »

thx, i have some other soft , but there are only 1 option to have 6 so I thx man ;)
Re: CD notifier
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2010, 02:55:44 pm »

It would be great tool, if it could be overlayed on top of fallout window, and works with hotkeys, so player musn't alt-tab constantly.
look at my thread here:
You think you could write something like this? (as external app, that can be placed on top of fallout online window, and reset pre-defined coundowns by pressing keyboard shortcuts, ie alt+1 alt+2 etc)
Re: CD notifier
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2010, 04:56:04 pm »

You can always catch packets through proxy server and than count anything You need (even how long past since last your death) and than send it back to client XD

but this is evil idea...
no Wez no fun...
everyday my english loose 1point :/


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Re: CD notifier
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2010, 05:08:10 pm »

You can always catch packets through proxy server and than count anything You need (even how long past since last your death) and than send it back to client XD
As far as I was able to see there is only one, starting packet which will start counting in client. However. Give me the FOnline protocol and we can talk more (:
(but as it can be changed in any server/client update I don't think that this is really way to go)
Your linked suggestion seems to be very reasonable, I would rather see devs to implement it. It should be definitelly easier. Only if there will be no devs response on it or if it will be rejected, I can try to do anything with CDNot.
Server-Boy - FOnline servers statistics
pcntl_wait($status); //protect against zombie children
Re: CD notifier
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2010, 05:20:09 pm »

As far as I was able to see there is only one, starting packet which will start counting in client. However. Give me the FOnline protocol and we can talk more (:
(but as it can be changed in any server/client update I don't think that this is really way to go)

choose Your favorite:

for server, I guess socks4.

I dont even have to say about WS2.0 and injection to do that - but it is bannable.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 05:22:26 pm by baaelSiljan »
no Wez no fun...
everyday my english loose 1point :/


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Re: CD notifier
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2010, 05:24:28 pm »

By protocol I meant description of particular packets and so on. I'm able to catch them. But analysis is the real pain.
Server-Boy - FOnline servers statistics
pcntl_wait($status); //protect against zombie children
Re: CD notifier
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2010, 05:27:48 pm »

currently it is increadible ease :) but i cant say anything about rPE or WPE cause it is illegally, and about that you can check it realtime what packet is send and which one have to come to client with message, and how to count bytes of message, cause it is all illegal too! :)
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 05:29:50 pm by baaelSiljan »
no Wez no fun...
everyday my english loose 1point :/
Re: CD notifier
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2010, 05:33:13 pm »

Your linked suggestion seems to be very reasonable, I would rather see devs to implement it. It should be definitelly easier. Only if there will be no devs response on it or if it will be rejected, I can try to do anything with CDNot.
Thanks for considering doing this.
I don't have anything against devs, but i believe they're busy fixing serious issues (inb4 lol rain in NCR), and honestly, i'd like to see that option in this year, so im kindly asking you for a possibility of doing this - i bet many players would be happy, and, if you made it customizable (font/color/alpha options) that kind of program may be very usable in other games, where are countdowns, for example checking when an item will spawn on the map.

If you are interested, i'll be glad to help, provide any ideas / sugestions, or graphic for project (im nothing but a 2d/3d artist, i cant code anything sadly).
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 06:29:27 pm by pirosan »
Re: Cooldown notifier
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2010, 02:31:41 pm »

someone made a similar tool, but it displays the cooldowns ingame, download link in this post: (i suggest using my link because then you do not have to register on a russian forum :P which is kinda useless for people who do not speak it) No offense meant to russian people here btw :)


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Re: Cooldown notifier
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2010, 10:25:31 pm »

And finally, there is now ~timeouts client command which displays cooldowns in-game. Thanks DEVs.
Server-Boy - FOnline servers statistics
pcntl_wait($status); //protect against zombie children
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