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What you think of current deterioration?

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Detoration system is one of best things in FOnline and I think 1-2% for shot is okay.


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on April 25, 2010, 06:36:45 am ---The current detoriation should be more harsher but depending on the weapons style.
You got a desert eagle? It should be durable. It's made of stainless steel, no need to repair the body for the next 200 years, pal.
You've got a Ak112? It's an assault rifle, atleast a russian one. It's durable as fuck. In "Real Life" you can repair that kind of rifle with the tiniest metal parts and some tiny technical knowledge. No wonder it's the choice #1 when it comes to weapons in 3rd war countries.

Anyway, if everyone's saying "Wasteland is harsh" it should be harsh. Make weapons suffer from deserts sand. Every piece of mineral from the derts sands goes into the weapon. It makes the gun unreliable within days, when it's not a traditional one. And that would also "solve" the probleme of high tier guns. The higher the tier, the faster the weapon detoriates. Look. You've got a minigun. This is a high techy mechanism. Now compare a AK-112.... You've got my point?

Weapons should detoriate A LOT more, even when lying on ground.

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deagles are actually IRL quite fragile, the entire firing assembly is complex as fuck. and have to be kept religously clean or they jam like crazy.


--- Quote from: vedaras on April 25, 2010, 07:25:11 am ---if it would be up to me i would remove weapon detoriation at all, everyone who has used weapon IRL know that it wont breake after 100 shots or 1000 shots, and repairing weapons should be replaced by cleaning them or something :>

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It says "maintenance successful", not "repairing successful". So it is already in game :>

And removing deterioration would cause only one more skill useless (Repair) except for getting professions, so it's bad idea.


--- Quote from: Wichura on April 25, 2010, 08:07:30 am ---And removing deterioration would cause only one more skill useless (Repair) except for getting professions, so it's bad idea.
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Fight encounters much? After each fight it is strongly encouraged to fix all your guns and armor so that their det won't go too high. It's stupid burden, because repair cooldown doesn't stack which means you gotta repair again every minute.

Other thing is what the hell is "maintenance failed" all about? Your char loses his temper while cleaning the gun and bangs it with hammer?

I don't see weapon/armor deterioration having any other role than... well what is its role? Repair could bear similar role in combat as medic. While medics repair people's hitpoints, mechanic would repair their stuff. Let's say your pal gets riddled with 5mm jhp and his armor goes down to 50%det. Your team gets a little break from the battle and gets a chance to maintain themselves. You're skilled mechanic, get to work and fix that thing and your pal is ready for action again. Too bad the user dies most likely before his armor is broken.


--- Quote ---Too bad the user dies most likely before his armor is broken.
--- End quote ---

Thats becouse armor works as intended only in PvE. I think armors should be buffed to stay chance vs PvP.


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