Other > Closed suggestions
For Atom : Just turn it off very quickly please.
Quentin Lang:
Sometimes i smile reading whine posts like these, but really, this is true. Sneak is abnormally overpowered right now, and its really hard to play.
*Sigh*. Normally I should be more rude, just locking such threads. But I'm a kind person.
Cleaned the topic.
@ The Threadstarter: If you have a suggestion to a special member of the games devs, PM it to him. If he doesn't respond, he either wants you to get lost or just to behave and be patient. In this case, I assume it's case numero 2.
--- Quote from: Hololasima on April 24, 2010, 09:46:47 pm ---Go out Vedaras if you dont have nothing to say about sneak.
--- End quote ---
No. "Go out" you people who have nothing to say about the special topic. ;)
I agree with this topic.
my friend has 100 sneak and nobody see him.
Is a serious problem...
My friend couldn't see a enemy at 2 hex from him. PvP is dead atm.
Admiral Zombie:
How about instead of removal we just do something that makes it much much harder at the very least.
Things like...
Decrease chance to hit while sneaking
-A minigun is very hard to move and aim at a target if you're trying to remain inconspicuous. For certain weapons like miniguns and rocket launchers you have a significant decrease in chance to hit. Maybe an increased chance to critically miss for the extreme weapons (big guns) and only a very minor penalty for the small guns. No penalty at all for hth/melee (i would think give it a bonus if anything)
When you move you are more likely to be noticed
-This effect is increased additionally based on the armor/weapons you have out. Moving a little at a time makes little difference, but moving a lot all at once will make you much more noticeable)
Once somebody sees you they have a bonus to continue seeing you (kind of hard to hide in plain sight of someone watching you)
In addition to armor penalty to sneak, throw in a weapon penalty. Its kind of hard to hide a minigun in the bushes, and they tend to stick out from behind the barrel...
Increase the armor penalty some might help also.
Things like these suggestions allow realistic ambushes with sneak, while not necessarily being able to run circles around a person shooting a minigun continuously, with them unable to even see you.
Some of these may be common sense things that are already implemented. If not why not give them a try (apart from being really hard to code? I wouldn't know about that though personally)
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