Other > Closed suggestions

Weapon attachments & other stuff

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(sorry if there bad grammar, I type one thing , think another sometimes, Just let me know if something don't make sense)

I know this might not possible till 3d add (like people + weapons ) but I like see variety weapon attachments add to the game. As right now you can have one attachment for pacific guns. Its straight over improvement. If you can get the attachment get it because your better off. I like to see most of all guns to be able get variety of attachments. Attachments would have advantages and disadvantages. Maybe even have more one attachments on single gun.

Here some ideas for attachments:

(Extend mag.) for all guns add higher ammo capacity in the gun but cost more Ap to reload your gun.

(Night vision scope) that ignore the night time penalty but reduce your max shooting range by so much.(

(Heat seeking system) adds much greater hit chance for your Rocket launcher but cost more Ap and reduce weapon range.

(Silencer) when you fire your weapon does not break sneak but gun damage reduce/sneak receives penalty vs your target you hit/reduce max weapon range.

(scope) Adds more weapon range and little better hit chance from far. But up close great hit chance reduction.

(weapon handle grip) (red dot sights) both little more to hit chance but reduce damage slightly.

(Laser pointer) Reduce penalty when aiming ability at harder hit areas and increase hit chance little,  but cost more Ap to shoot.

(grenade launcher) adds another firing type mode just for launcher. close range attack , cause knock down sometimes, splash damage, not very high damage, takes 4-5 Ap cost to shoot it, takes own ammo. When reload gun you reload launcher but cost more Ap to reload because launcher.

This just some examples I could easily come up with more. Even give ideas how the math on attachments would work. I think this add more depth and variety to the game. It be more fun. Of course you want it to be balance but I see that to be total possible. With this people would be able to adjust there guns to suite them better.

Example say I have guy with mix of small guns/big guns/ outback. With two combat skill one or both might not be at best hit chance. I could have Assault rifle with grip and red dot sights to increase my hit chance but have lower damage. I could get heat seeking system for my rocket launcher to increase my hit chance but cost more Ap and lower max weapon range. This way I could make up some of hit chance with attachments but at a cost. Person better off make up with skill because would get disadvantage. Attachments would not be all about giving people with lower skill better hit chance. This also be use to adjust your weapon way you like for your guy and adjust also for different situation. You could have scope on P90 for longer range but up close you have poor hit chance.

Post you thoughts on the idea, if you like and what ever.  I will also add polls for it.
I like see Gm and devs post what they think of the Idea.
( I know you probably don't want to add more like this because your trying work out on balance of what we got. But pretend if we had balance what do you think of this idea. )

Figured I'd do it just because you said not to. But seriously, I would love for there to be more customization options for weapons. PvP might see even more variety in characters. But like you said, it will at least have to wait until 3D models, and probably much later after that. From what I remember, the devs have said they don't plan to add any weapons anytime soon and I'm guessing this would fall into that category.

Having said that, there have been several threads about upgrading weapons, specifically the 10mm pistol and smg, which I think would be great not only for starting players but also for higher level small gunners.

The post was not finish so I posted it half done.
so I finish it and  now ready to be read and post on.

The part in the topic title were says other well decide leave that out for another post.
This way this thread focus on the attachment idea.

I always liked the idea of a bayonet attachment. Just a Knife and a rope and you can have a close combat attack without having to switch weapons.

sounds like interesting attachment,
have the attachment count as melee weapon attack just for the attack mode of that.


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