Other > Events

Your event ideas!

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Well you can simple tell that anyone who attacks the NPC will get a permanent ban and any place he have access to will be deleted yeah I knew someone would still be able to make a new char for this only so how about making it for above lvl 12 chars?

It'd be unfair to prevent newcomers to come to this. But even if it wasn't, it is impossible to watch all the Vault levels at once, and to watch the crowd while setting up the event.

I see then lets just forget what I said, it was just a quick idea.
On the other hand what about making the players the residents of the vault and make a group of players muties for the duration of the event then let them fight each other.

I did not point out the flaws of your idea just to burst your bubble ( :P ) but also to show that events need to be well prepared and thought before they are done. 95% of the events ideas on this topic are impossible to realise, but it is hard for a player to be aware of that :)

I more or like felt that way about the hardness of making an event still since I've got no real insight how tha making goes I considered many of the ones posted possible.


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