Other > Events

Your event ideas!

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Easiest and funnest of all events would be warzone with pipe rifles only, im tellin ya :D


--- Quote from: Wichura on April 25, 2010, 03:17:23 pm ---I suggest Golgotha, where it was already before - it's near worldmap center, empty for the most of time, visible for everyone (unlike SAD for example). Dunno much about technical issues, but it requires only to spawn shitload of stuff and to take care that no one will leave with any gear.
I won't participate this, but I remember that many people liked it a lot.

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The Warzone events use their own map. Also, this event needs some improvements before we make it again - we'd already have done it again if we were ready.

Nerds vs. brutes

2 people camps:nerds(lvl 3 crafters) and brutes(others)will fight betuin echother)
there is a cach:nerds have unlimited resourses and brutes have only leather jakets and 10mm pistols/flamers/laser pistols/roks and spears
brites will be a lot and nerds litle
the brutes will win like usualy,or the nerds will get there sweet revange?

Sparta! is not bad, melee weapons only :)

Why don't you make some oldschool quest like kill all critters in some dungeon (mariposa/boneyard vault/vault 13) fight against supermutant boss in end and receive a reward.

I suggest a prison breakout.
The arriving players will be divided randomly into Guards and Prisoners, just like in The Experiment.
Many bluesuits try to escape a prison complex past the security personell and systems, played by chosen players and GMs.
At the exit is a large armory as a prize, everyone gets as much he can carry or die from irradiation.

Apropos irradiation:

There will be an incident at Gecko and needs to be "liquidated", cause ghouls are too weak to manage everything by themselves. Send in the bluesuits to shovel radioactive shit away or get buckets of natrium inside of the reactor. There will be Rad-X and Rad-Away, brought with several large deliveries from VC. Don't use them up too quickly and do the job before you get liquified.


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