Other > Events
Your event ideas!
I figured since its RP, the BoS or Enclave would outfit their own guys with weapons. I guess un-affiliated could bring their own gear if they were factionless/mercenaries.
Then you can have double the choice and possibly add anoter level of importance on faction. BoS/Enclave guys can expect NPC outfitters (side specific), to issue non keep-able, free gear where as those who are not must bring their own gear to the fight.
Of course this brings up alting but I am sure the devs will figure out a reasonable plan and implement it. Again this idea is to encourage folks to play more/pvp in certain areas while opening up more weapons and armor.
PS: The event does not have to be about mindless shooting. All you need is well made maps tailored for each specific mission. These could range from combat oriented (control points/attacker vs defender) missions, to spy/infiltration ( focus on un-armed, sneak, traps, lockpick, high perception, etc) oriented missions.
i've not read everything, or even first page (such long posts D:)
But as the first post says, A group of emenies attack a town...
Like a video i saw on youtube, by izual.
It looked fucken awesome, and it could easily be done, and if you set up hourly (In Real Life) Recuiter in the Town, and u just talk to him and wait in town then you get teleported to replicated area with no NPCs and a lil Event message saying ''Wave 1 is Coming.'' and goes to like Wave 10, and each Character can only do once a Week with a CHOOSEABLE reward, eg: 500 ammo sg/bg/ew Tier 1 or 1k Caps or 100 sg/bg/ew Tier 3 ammo or etc, just lil things that dont really matter (or even last a week :P)
in russian:
из локации со спаммером, *unwashed and spammer*или както так из 2 фаллаута, вместо спаммера 1 одинокий нпс, и много спаммеров вместо *unwashed* .
цель : убить всех спаммерови спасти нпс, не задев\не убив нпс.
потраченное время(1X)\максимальное время(100Y) награда(Z) : за малое время : Y(>50)-X=Z за большее время Y(<50)-X=Z.
награда - ammo. по выбору.(?) или время на обыск полок в *помещении* на карте слева, полки с рандомной генерацией дропа.
евент - случайный encounter(?), зависящий от удачи(?). каждый персонаж может попасть туда н-ное кол-во раз.(?)
все происходит в риал тайме((реген AP)?)\пошаговом режиме(более быстрая прорисовка действий нпс как в фаллаут2) (?)(!)
кол-во ap у спаммера(ов) как в оригинальной карте из фаллаут 2 со спаммером и немытыми.
если не ошибаюсь - у спаммера было 1к хп, мб нпс тоже имеет 1к хп, спаммеры ?хп
возможно, если позволит механика игры - генерировать карту для игрока в зависимости от уровня персонажа, где хп спаммеров зависит от лвл персонажа. для предотвращения багоюзерства ( например - минимальный левел лидер пати и карта будет с лоу лвл спаммерами, а в пати с лоу лвл персонажем будут хай лвл игроки ) можно поставить генерацию хп спаммеров в зависимости от кол-ва и уровней игроков, либо в зависимости от максимального уровня персонажа в пати.
Hello !
I always organize TB Tournament with my Alliance fractions.
Its have big-big succesfully, and everyone like it.
Its will be too famous occurrence "event, but i dont like this word".
I have some rules in a cup. :
The equiptment:
Everybody must have Metal armor mk2, or ( to the sneakers Combat Leather jacket)
Everybody can take 2 weapon. No matter what (Like - LSW-bazooka, laser-plasma rifle, sniper rifle, 223, the player combinate this)
Everybody have Maximum 5 super stimpaks.
The drugs is enabled. (My member have Drug addict charachter, and he need drugs. It is his charachter build, u know)
The Teams:
One Group must be 5 member (so in the TB battle is 5 vs 5, not much, or its too long)
Every fraction qualifies maximum 3 group.
Every player in one group must be in 1 fraction.
The Tournament :
Its make line of relegation.
We are draw lots the starter groups...
1st.: A highwayman
2.nd.: A hummer
3.nd : 5 metal armor mk2
(if one GM sponsored, its have special rewards.
If GM help me to serve it the special rewards is:
1st.: One Helicopter
2.st: 5 special weapons (gauss rifles, and more)
3.st: 5 highwayman )
If dont sponsoring me, i need entry fee
Because, the rewards is my equiptment, i need money, so the entry fee is 10.000caps/ Group
The map, where is start:
I send u picture, with text
MAP 1 .:
MAP 2.:
MAP 3.:
i wanna if u help to me in this tournament. If u don't help me, i must fo it alone...
Thx and bye.:
--- Quote from: Charma on December 21, 2010, 10:50:20 am ---
(if one GM sponsored, its have special rewards.
If GM help me to serve it the special rewards is:
1st.: One Helicopter
2.st: 5 special weapons (gauss rifles, and more)
3.st: 5 highwayman )
--- End quote ---
It isn't too much? O_O
Events are for fun, not for the rewards imho.
About my event idea.. maybe a Landing Event with the Robots?
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