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Your event ideas!

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I think good kind of event is: " Bring to me one "thing"(gecko pelt, lighter), I'm in "location". Who will first give me that item in trade will win 500 exp or 500 caps or 100 x .223 ammo or etc. etc." about 5 rounds a day will be funny. But not in well known time. Players cannot be preperd. :P What do you think about it?


--- Quote from: Stachi on April 21, 2010, 12:01:22 am ---I think good kind of event is: " Bring to me one "thing"(gecko pelt, lighter), I'm in "location". Who will first give me that item in trade will win 500 exp or 500 caps or 100 x .223 ammo or etc. etc." about 5 rounds a day will be funny. But not in well known time. Players cannot be preperd. :P What do you think about it?

--- End quote ---

dude this "event" is 24/7 at monte in boneyard.

Necropolis Pump
Water pump in Necropolis is down. Bunch of crazy raiders want to keep it broken, because they hate ghouls and don't want any "goodie good assholios" around. These "good ones" need to fix pump as soon as possible, before Necropolis run out of drinking water.
After death people won't back to fight (closed location, copy of Necropolis?), running through sewers allowed. It would be nice to give both groups some skins for quick identification.
Victory conditions:
- "good ones" - a Super Toolkit needs to be delivered to the pump and stay there for at least 10 minutes, required to fix the pump
- "raiders" - intercept a Super Toolkit and/or kill all "good ones"

Fight Club
Unarmed chars strongly recommended. Fight 1 vs 1, victory by knockout longer than 10 seconds or when enemy will surrender by saying "stop". If for example 30 people want to fight, they are choosing enemy by random, winners fight again with other winners, and so on, and so on, until getting a first place. Losers can try next time.
Location: Bishop's Casino, the one with a ring in cellar.
First prize: preciousss item like good weapon/armor, second prize: less, but still precious item, third prize: large amount caps, but not more than 10k.
Conditions: no drugs, stimpaks, FA, no killing knocked down fighters. No own equipment required, bare fists.

Brave Spartans are defending their Holy Spear from unholy Persians. Unarmed/Melee chars as Spartans, other as Persians.
Location: hard to say, it needs some buildings where Spartans may hide and suprisingly attack from dark corridors.
After death people won't back to fight. Spartans should have "tribal" skins, if it is possible. They can carry their Holy Spear with them, but cannot getting it out of the map.
Victory conditions:
- Spartans: all Persians are dead, the Holy Spear is safe
- Persians: intercept the Holy Spear and/or kill all Spartans

And, last but not least:
Quake Arena 2D, no own equipment required. Enter there and frag for glory with guns you can find everywhere on the ground. Respawn with full HP and without cripplings.
This, erm, "event" should be running simultaneously with other one from above, to simply give people expecting only "pwning n00bz" something to do, like n00bz to pwn. They won't understand rules of any other event anyway.

Is it possible to somehow alter lights in FOnline? I mean that maze ideas are awesome and there could be something like pitch black event. I mean turn visibility to 0. Whole area completely black and only light around your char will allow you to move around and explore such area. Find stuff, meet people, kill people etc. Maybe something like group of scientists and guards find themselves in vault (or some underground lab) when some FeV experiment subject turns bad and escape, cut out power and returns to free other test subjects. So divide people into 2 groups: subjects and scientists/guards. Subjects could be granted with ghoul skin allowing only to walk slowly but since whole 3 floor lab is completely covered in darkness they will be very dangerous. Main objective for scientists/guards is to get out of lab to the surface, while test subjects want to have their revenge. So little survival event with 2 sides and one badass boss ending.

Problems with thisone:
- need to alter lights
- need to alter player skins/hp/dmg (maybe add poison/radioactive dmg to their mele hits etc.)
- discipline is a must for thisone => maybe sign up for this event not one by one but in teams. So subjects could be made of 2-3 teams each counting 6-7 players, while scientists/guards will be made of one team with 5-6 people. After each "round" (some side wins) teams just switch their positions so the 1st team on subject side will switch and roll scientists, 2nd team who was defending 2nd floor will move to 3rd or something like that. Maybe mix NPCs and players at subject side so there will be trully hordes of enemies.

Simply zombie survival kinda stuff. I would definitelly enjoy something like that :D.


Lets land an allien ship or few of them in the desert. I dunno if its hard to place such en encounter map but if its ok, then we can start looking for them, kiling alliens, getting eaten by them. also one can spawn some alliens in towns guarded and not just to scare shit away from all unsuspecting traders and bazaar people. 

- there would be nice blaster-guns inside the ships
- battle ROBOTS!
- a ship can fall from the sky and smash NCR!
- alliens can take hold of SF or LA, so it will become a total ZONE!
- we can increase the chance to encounter alliens worldwide and have a nice alien weekend or even a week!



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