Other > Closed suggestions

Restrict insta kills to players that have the better critical perk

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Wasteland is 'harsh'. Make instant kills do a roll on EN and if you have 5 or more EN the chance would quickly drop from e.g. 10% to 2% with 10EN.
If you're a feeble person, even a huge mutated ant could pierce through your skull with a mandible.

It's like someone brainwashed everyone to say "wasteland is harsh" instead of thinking.


--- Quote from: Roachor on April 20, 2010, 05:06:11 am ---Aimed shots are hard to do in pvp, you rarely have the option to hit eyes and damage builds can burst you up to 5 times in a row. If you take away insta kills sm guns becomes useless again.

--- End quote ---

Bullshit. Ever heard of knockouts? Also you completely forgot about weapon's range.

I think we can all agree the critical tables from last wipe were better! (He says with only a hint of bias ;))

But on a serious note, instakills suck.

Do you heard about "Azura Strike", "Tarot Card: Death" and "Link + EDP Sonic Blow"?
If you tell me that RO is unbalanced because there is instantkills, you have really serious mental issues.
Also the shot in the eye IRL will kill you instantly with 95% probability, and games is about imitiate reality.


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