Please use this thread to tell us about your problems to LAUNCH THE GAME or to LOG IN THE GAME. Before you post, read at least this post, and if you want to be nice, read also the entire thread or use the
feature. Explain your problem with as many details as possible, and tell us the solutions you tried - and that obviously didn't work.I. I can't launch the gameA. General issuesThis may be due to several issues (For specific problems, look in part B). Try these solutions :
1) Try to launch the game
several times. It often crashes on start.
2) Make sure your
Master.dat and
Critter.dat files are in your FOnline directory, and
check if their correct path is set in FOConfig.exe (Set their path in bottom of GAME tab).
3) If you are a
Linux user, use the tutorial on
this thread.
If you are a
Mac OS X user, use the tutorial on
this thread.
4) Reinstall the game.
B. Particular issues1) "When I try to click on FOnline.exe , a grey window pops up short, then dissappears immediately."- Update the drivers of your graphic card.
2) "I downloaded everything right (I think), but when I start the launcher I can't click play. I can click every other button but play."- Try to reinstall the game at your desktop, it was probably installed at C:\Program files\... and it may cause issues.
II. I can't log inFirst of all, check if the server is Online or Offline by looking at this picture :

If the server is online, and you can't log in, there is a problem. This can be caused by a lot of things, and you will probably get an error message :
1) "Unable to connect to server."- Open
FOConfig -> NET tab. Check if "Game Server Host" and "Port" match the server address given
- On the same link above, check the picture : If the server is
Offline or
Busy, then it's totally normal that you can't log in. If the server is
Online, then it's not normal.
2) "This character is already logged in."- Make sure nobody you know is connected on your character (if the password is shared), then ask a
Game Master to help (on forum or IRC).
3) "The network reports your client is in wrong version. Please update."- Update your game directory with the updater or the launcher. The correct updater's address is given
here. Beware, this will erase your custom
NameColorizing.txt . Make sure when you try to update again nothing is downloading.
4) "Incorrect login or password."- Check if your login is the correct one, and show your password by pressing the
CTRL key. If your keyboard is, surprisingly, in russian, press CTRL+SHIFT to switch back to occidental letters.
5) I only see "ERRORS" buttons or strange black screen.- Press
Enter key. If it doesn't work, restart the game.
- If error still occurs, delete every
.cache file in
data folder except
6) My character is a flameboy.Restart the game and it should work properly. (If the problem persists, delete the file in the data folder of your FOnline installation. Do NOT delete default.cache)
III. Problems with launcher- You need .NET framework 3.5 or higher installed, it can be downloaded from
here. If you have Vista or Windows 7 it should already be installed.
- If Launcher is still giving you an error, everytime you run it, run the updater (Updater.exe) from the game folder, if it says that it updated the launcher, try running it again, if it crashes, paste the text in Launcher.log here.
Once you're logged in, remember that if you have burning models you have to restart the game.