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Author Topic: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in  (Read 171535 times)

Phallus Erectus

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Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #465 on: February 20, 2013, 07:05:18 pm »

What causes burning people? Before, the background was all black and everyone burned. Now only everyone burns.

So odd. I just now logged in and yet the background is black and I can now see characters. I still do not have item photos, they are all replaced by red question boxes like Mario Hat tricks.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 07:16:41 pm by Phallus Erectus »


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Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #466 on: February 20, 2013, 09:54:46 pm »

What causes burning people? Before, the background was all black and everyone burned. Now only everyone burns.

So odd. I just now logged in and yet the background is black and I can now see characters. I still do not have item photos, they are all replaced by red question boxes like Mario Hat tricks.

You must update properly to get all files.
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #467 on: February 26, 2013, 11:39:35 pm »

So a friend just told me about FO2238 and I'm trying to get it set up, though for some reason I can't use the updater, it just sits at initializing for hours and makes no progress. Is it an issue as to where It is placed (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 2) or an issue in the FO2238 Configure files?
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #468 on: February 27, 2013, 08:24:00 am »

So a friend just told me about FO2238 and I'm trying to get it set up, though for some reason I can't use the updater, it just sits at initializing for hours and makes no progress. Is it an issue as to where It is placed (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 2) or an issue in the FO2238 Configure files?

download the preset version in this topic,22146.0.html
you only have to set the master.dat file and the other one as said in the topic.
Some basic tips:
tip1Don't forget to set your mode in turnbased since your a beginner.
Tip 2: Also ask in forum for a good crafter build and say your a beginner
Tip 3: read up stuff on the forum. This game has a high learning curve imo
tip 4: important DO not get followed to your tent! they will steal everything. ask around how to avoid this or use search.
If you need some starter gear (tent?) let me know.


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Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #469 on: February 27, 2013, 10:46:13 am »

Also, you can get a tent when you get a message that you encountered one "during your travels" there you can accept a quest to clean a farm from some mutated rats.

And get a car from Greenthumb, the Scout would be your choice.


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Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #470 on: March 19, 2013, 11:42:13 am »

Good day, I just wanna ask about the launcher, I was able to launch the FOnline, and then, I get a screen where I should input a username and password, but the weird thing is, at the top left corner, there is a white text saying "error", and below the username and password part, there are like 4-5 button with "error" title. And everytime I press enter, it just goes off then return to that same screen. By the way, I haven't registered yet, 'cause it says that after I launch the game it will take me to a menu with "registration" button on it. Can you help me?

Ok, got a screenie here:
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 12:41:52 am by Mercx »
- Mickhael - Brocker -
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #471 on: March 31, 2013, 01:49:58 pm »

I can not launch fonline.exe and only opengl works for me. I have a win7 and in the past it worked ok. Now after last 3-5 updates i can play only in GL mode. I have deleted caches and dat's but with no luck. Cant use d3d mode and GL lags like focking cow.
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #472 on: April 04, 2013, 04:29:27 am »

Hi all.

I used to play FO2238 on this old, old computer (Pentium 4 2,40Ghz and GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X) when i was using Windows XP. But (i think) since i installed Windows7 (32 bit) on it, i can t. I know it s because of the graphic card, because i get that quick-grey-screen-then-crash problem. I tried updating drivers but Nvidia site detects that i don t need it, or that there are no drivers for this card for Win7. I also tried fiddling with compatibility settings but that didn't help (i don't know much about them though).

Since it s not a hardware limitation, can Devs, GMs or anyone else with strong computer knowledge give me a way to play FOnline on Win7 with this old graphic card? I don t mind using risky tactics as long as i don t need to go buy hardware or reinstall XP.

Thanks in advance.
ERRORS EVERIWHERE!!! what do i do???
« Reply #473 on: April 06, 2013, 10:09:44 pm »

hi guys... i did EVERITHING! and i keep getting the error screen

i double click the FOnline.exe and a screen appears with username and password and 5 buttons that says ERROR

tried all the buttons and one of them leads you to the character screen, whit all the numbers in zero (tried to use it but it cannot be used)
last button exits the program.... i dont know what to do.. please help!!!


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Re: ERRORS EVERIWHERE!!! what do i do???
« Reply #474 on: April 06, 2013, 10:50:38 pm »

hi guys... i did EVERITHING! and i keep getting the error screen

i double click the FOnline.exe and a screen appears with username and password and 5 buttons that says ERROR

tried all the buttons and one of them leads you to the character screen, whit all the numbers in zero (tried to use it but it cannot be used)
last button exits the program.... i dont know what to do.. please help!!!
Delete data/cache folder then run updater.
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #475 on: April 09, 2013, 12:27:36 am »

Hey, yeah. I'm pretty much experiencing what Luckso is experiencing. However I can put my position in more detail.
Well, I'm sure my critter and master.dat's are in place, and I have saved them in the fo2238config.exe. After clicking play I just saw errors and a login/password screen with a black background. So I pressed enter after reading up, it simply faded to black to the exact same screen. Nothing happened, it didn't even crash. So I restarted it, pressed enter-- did the same thing. One thing I should mention, after downloading the .zip of fonline, I extracted all the files to a new folder I created on my desktop. Not sure if this helps.
So after reading up some more I decided to copy and paste my MASTER and CRITTER files into this folder and I saved them in it's new area. I tried again, didn't work. I pressed enter again-- didn't work.

I carried on reading up on what I could do, I even got a friend to help me out via teamviewer. He went into my UpdaterConsole and found out that it said: "Invalid Configuration..."
"Press any key to exit." and that was it.

So he double-clicked the normal Updater file and the file didn't load. It was frozen, didn't update anything.
So this time I read up that deleting the cache files in the data file should help. So I deleted the only file I found other than the default.cache (I did also try deleting the default cache file later, but it didn't help) which was localhost.4000.cache (There was a folder called localhost.4000, but it was a folder, and it didn't contain any cache files so I ignored it). Deleting that file seemed to do nothing, as I got the exact same error screen. On the other hand, I went back into the same data/cache file and I saw that the localhost.4000.cache file had redownloaded itself after I started up the fonline application. I deleted it again, and started up fonline. It redownloaded again, and still gave me the error. I'm not sure if this is normal, so correct me if I'm wrong.

Keep in mind, that I have tried restarting many times, atleast once or twice every attempt. I've also restarted steam once or twice, to no avail.

Later I read up some more about deleting the entire cache file. I did, after redownloading fonline again. It didn't work. So this time I redownloaded fonline again and deleted the data file as a whole. Still didn't work. I started up FOnlineGL and FOnline each attempt to make sure it was working.
...So I'm stuck on what to do. Can anyone give me a solution?


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Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #476 on: April 09, 2013, 04:54:19 am »

Can anyone give me a solution?,22146.0.html

Download the client from there and follow the steps.
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #477 on: April 09, 2013, 01:24:59 pm »

Haha, cheers. It worked.
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #478 on: April 28, 2013, 03:20:44 am »

I've done exactly these steps.

1. Extracted the files onto a folder called 'Fallout Online' on my desktop
2. Copied the Master.dat and critter.dat files from Fallout 2 and placed them in the folder.
3. Linked them in the FO2238.config which created new files (Datafiles2238 and other things)
4. Used the updater.
5. Updater says it cannot find FOnline.cfg
6. Gone into the FOconfig, looked around for 'linking' things and couldn't find them so I changed language to english and clicked save.
7. Error message is now gone but it just sits on the 'Initializing' stage.
8. Gone into updaterconsole and the message there has changed from 'Initializing - press any key to continue' (before I had pressed save on the FOconfig which created the new file FOnline.cfg) to 'Invalid Configuration - press any key to continue'.

Pretty much stuck here. I really don't want to download anything else unless I REALLY REALLY have to. Does anyone have any idea what I've done wrong? I deleted cache folder and that didn't help, and I've read that deleting the defaultcache thing apparently does nothing and that was the only file in the cache folder. So now I haven't done anything else (haven't deleted cache this time). All those steps are all I have done, touched no other folder. Is there something I've done wrong?


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Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #479 on: April 28, 2013, 05:20:28 am »

Get this (it's only config files, about 2 KB):

1. Unzip the config files in your FOnline folder.
2. Move Master.dat and Critter.dat to "data" folder in your FOnline folder.
3. Try to run the game, if you can't, run Updater and try again.

If it doesn't help,,22146.0.html
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