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Author Topic: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in  (Read 171520 times)

Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #450 on: December 23, 2012, 12:21:17 am »

The way you describe it it should work, but you can try this client:,22146.0.html
(I tried the client but I could not get it working.
I really want to play this but I cant get it working.
I think that I might be not be connected to the right server because I cant update or log in the server it says I am connected to is
( Is this right?
If I can get this working then I will Donate or something because I really want to play more fallout and if I can get this working I would pay for it in donations.)

never mind I found out the right server code and updated but now it says datafiles2238.cfg not found run updater exe.
but when I update it says no update required before it said could not save data then it said that it was done updating the config or something now it says no update so I just dont know .(you can read up above to know what I did before)
I dont have the file It says I have missing but when I run the normal updater it says no updates but theare is nothing called updater.exe so I dont know.
so I have no idea what to do or how to get the missing file back.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 12:56:02 am by meat pie »


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Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #451 on: December 23, 2012, 08:11:55 am »

(I tried the client but I could not get it working.

Did you unpack it in empty folder and copied Fallout 2 Master.dat/Critter.dat files to data folder?
It should work out of the box then (after you make a character).

never mind I found out the right server code and updated but now it says datafiles2238.cfg not found run updater exe.

This message is misleading, you should run FOConfig and FO2238Config (and set up paths to F2 dats)
and click save to create config files. It's already done in client I linked to and everything else is set up
correctly there (you just need to copy Master.dat/Critter.dat files to data folder).

One more possibility is that the path to game has some non-standard characters (Polish etc).
Use only plain keyboard characters.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 08:15:41 am by JovankaB »
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #452 on: December 24, 2012, 02:30:00 am »

Did you unpack it in empty folder and copied Fallout 2 Master.dat/Critter.dat files to data folder?
It should work out of the box then (after you make a character).

This message is misleading, you should run FOConfig and FO2238Config (and set up paths to F2 dats)
and click save to create config files. It's already done in client I linked to and everything else is set up
correctly there (you just need to copy Master.dat/Critter.dat files to data folder).

One more possibility is that the path to game has some non-standard characters (Polish etc).
Use only plain keyboard characters.
Thanks you Sooooooo much it works now I did something wrong on my end now I will play it to see what I think.
Thanks to all of you!
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #453 on: December 24, 2012, 12:51:15 pm »

Thanks, FYI to anyone else with this problem - the GM is not able to help. I was advised to go to Trac (bug tracker system) and find the existing ticket for this issue and leave a comment with the character name and the last login date. I was told that if there is a backup of the character, it may be restored during the next restart.

I got this error on one of my characters now. Left a comment on the bugtracker. Is there nothing else I can do?
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #454 on: December 25, 2012, 12:23:15 pm »

I don't see mouse arrow in client.  :(
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #455 on: December 25, 2012, 03:40:35 pm »

the problem solved.
This client don't support cyrillic text in path for *.dat files!!!
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #457 on: January 13, 2013, 11:37:07 pm »

(plus, when I try the updater, it says, "Cannot find FOnline configuration file in current directory:..../desktop/FOnline)


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Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #460 on: February 17, 2013, 06:39:18 pm »

Help!!! I've spent hour trying to make fonline work and only thing I haven't tried is the updater which says initializing but seems frozen it doesn't seem to do anything I even tried leaving it for 1/2 an hour. (reason for this is error on every option when I start up black background)
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #461 on: February 17, 2013, 06:47:06 pm »

Help!!! I've spent hour trying to make fonline work and only thing I haven't tried is the updater which says initializing but seems frozen it doesn't seem to do anything I even tried leaving it for 1/2 an hour. (reason for this is error on every option when I start up black background)
The black background is probably because you did not set paths to MASTER.DAT and CRITTER.DAT from Fallout2 CD. You can do so by running FOConfig.exe or FO2238Config.exe dont know which one right now.
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #462 on: February 17, 2013, 10:39:07 pm »

Help!!! I've spent hour trying to make fonline work and only thing I haven't tried is the updater which says initializing but seems frozen it doesn't seem to do anything I even tried leaving it for 1/2 an hour. (reason for this is error on every option when I start up black background)
installed preconfigured game and it worked thanks javankaB!!
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #463 on: February 17, 2013, 10:40:26 pm »

The black background is probably because you did not set paths to MASTER.DAT and CRITTER.DAT from Fallout2 CD. You can do so by running FOConfig.exe or FO2238Config.exe dont know which one right now.
I did all that but thanks preconfigured worked for me

Phallus Erectus

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Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #464 on: February 18, 2013, 07:38:57 pm »

Once you're logged in, remember that if you have burning models you have to restart the game.

Well hear's the deal, I'm using Jove's preconfigured client and now I actually have textures to the map EXCEPT I am still burnign man and there are no item textures either in the world and in my inventory or just in my inventory, not sure, as I haven't left the spawning safety cave.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 09:12:30 pm by Phallus Erectus »
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