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[Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
It worked. :)
Thanks to you, Ghosthack!
Okdokey, I downloaded and installed the game. Got the errors of not being able to find the critter or master dat, solved that by linking them ::)
Now I have got onto the main screen where I can register or enter, registered a character with a password, press enter, then it goes onto a loading screen for a few moments before returning back to the original screen.
Bottom left says connecting to server then connection established, authentication...
This is when it seems it is booting me back to the main screen. Any advice? :)
--- Quote ---I have got onto the main screen
--- End quote ---
Is it the one with a picture as background, or just black color ?
--- Quote ---Bottom left says connecting to server then connection established, authentication...
--- End quote ---
This is the error you get when you are not on the right server, afaik. Check in FOConfig.exe (NET tab) that your "Game Server Host" is and port 2238.
Also, in "Proxy" (below "Game Server"), make sure you chose None Host.
It has a picture in the bakground.
Yep, all is what it should be and yet it still won't allow me to connect.
Host and Port is correct and I've chosen None Host.
Login and Password in the Net tab is supposed to be blank yes?
heya, just found out about this game and I'm pretty excited, I ust have a few noob questions though. I have the master.dat downloaded, but the game says it can't find it during start up. how can I great the correct path for the game to find the .dat file? anybody? Thanks
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