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Author Topic: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in  (Read 166692 times)

Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #375 on: March 21, 2012, 10:48:43 pm »

I waiting, waiting, and waiting. After 10 mins nothing happen so I press ESC. Still the same "Executing Script Start Failure" message. When I exit the game, my FOnline.log file have 36,6 MB. And its look

Code: [Select]
[00:025] Starting FOnline (version 0415-E7)...
[00:026] Engine initialization...
[00:121] Sprite manager initialization...
[00:244] Sprite manager initialization complete.
[00:316] Sound manager initialization...
[00:378] Sound manager initialization complete.
[00:456] Loaded<132> critter types.
[00:529] Load scripts...
[00:529] Old version of scripts.
[00:530] Interface initialization.
[00:530] Load data.
[00:539] Load sprites.
[00:721] Interface initialization complete.
[00:722] Item manager initialization...
[00:727] Item manager initialization complete.
[00:781] Hex field initialization...
[00:781] Hex field initialization complete.
[00:782] Engine initialization complete.
[00:783] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:783] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:783] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:784] Network init...
[00:785] Connecting to server<>.
[00:835] Connecting successful.
[00:836] Network init successful.
[00:837] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:837] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:838] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:839] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:839] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:839] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:840] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:846] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:847] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:847] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:848] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:848] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:849] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:136] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:136] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:137] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:138] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:138] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:139] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:139] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:140] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:146] Engine finish...
[10:52:146] Disconnect.
[10:52:147] Traffic: send<201>, receive<1124115>, whole<1124316>, receive real<2811003>.
[10:52:147] Disconnect success.
[10:52:147] Resource manager finish...
[10:52:147] Resource manager finish complete.
[10:52:148] Hex field finish...
[10:52:148] Hex field finish complete.
[10:52:149] Sprite manager finish...
[10:52:152] Sprite manager finish complete.
[10:52:153] Sound manager finish.
[10:52:153] Sound manager finish complete.
[10:52:156] Engine finish complete.
[10:54:570] FOnline finished.

Any suggestions ?

Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #376 on: March 22, 2012, 07:24:18 am »

Remove every file/folder from /data/cache/ except default.cache. Then you can try to obtain the server cache files from a different source. Maybe someone could upload it for you. Without the character data stored obviously.
   Might be it's not the case after all, but I believe it's an issue with cache files. Actually, if you could check, if the client is downloading anything. I mean with some network traffic monitor.
   Hopefully, it will help.

   No doubts, there is something wrong with your connection. What is your bandwidth?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 04:16:09 pm by Aquare »
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #377 on: March 26, 2012, 02:17:16 am »

Code: [Select]
Starting FOnline (version 0415-E7)...
Engine initialization...
FileManager::InitDataFiles - Data file 'Datafiles2238.cfg' not found. Run Updater.exe.
Sprite manager initialization...
Sprite manager initialization complete.
Sound manager initialization...
Sound manager initialization complete.
Loaded<132> critter types.
Load scripts...
Bind reserved functions...
Bind reserved functions complete.
Signature<InvHead> not found.
Load scripts complete.
Interface initialization.
Load data.
Load sprites.
File<HLGRN.FRM> not found.
File<HLYEL.FRM> not found.
File<HLRED.FRM> not found.
File<HLRED.FRM> not found.
File<SUPARROW.FRM> not found.
File<SDNARROW.FRM> not found.
File<BIGREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<INVBUTDN.FRM> not found.
File<OPTIDN.FRM> not found.
File<BIGREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<MAPDN.FRM> not found.
File<CHADN.FRM> not found.
File<PIPDN.FRM> not found.
File<BULLSEYE.FRM> not found.
File<MVEPNT.FRM> not found.
Can't load animation<ENDANIM.FRM>.
File<ENDTURND.FRM> not found.
File<ENDCMBTD.FRM> not found.
File<MENUUP.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPOUT.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPDS.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNOUT.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNDS.FRM> not found.
File<USE.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPOUT.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPDS.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNOUT.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNDS.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_UP2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_UP2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_UP2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_UP2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_DOWN2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_DOWN2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_DOWN2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_DOWN2.FRM> not found.
File<TALKN.FRM> not found.
File<TALKH.FRM> not found.
File<LOOKN.FRM> not found.
File<LOOKH.FRM> not found.
File<CANCELN.FRM> not found.
File<CANCELH.FRM> not found.
File<USEGETN.FRM> not found.
File<USEGETH.FRM> not found.
File<ROTATEN.FRM> not found.
File<ROTATEH.FRM> not found.
File<DROPN.FRM> not found.
File<DROPH.FRM> not found.
File<UNLOADN.FRM> not found.
File<UNLOADH.FRM> not found.
File<PUSHN.FRM> not found.
File<PUSHH.FRM> not found.
File<INVENN.FRM> not found.
File<INVENH.FRM> not found.
File<SKILLN.FRM> not found.
File<SKILLH.FRM> not found.
File<AUTOMAP.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<AUTOUP.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXBOX.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<SLIDER.FRM> not found.
File<SPLSON.FRM> not found.
File<SNEGON.FRM> not found.
File<PERKSFDR.FRM> not found.
File<KARMAFDR.FRM> not found.
File<KILLSFDR.FRM> not found.
File<FLDRMASK.FRM> not found.
File<UPARWOFF.FRM> not found.
File<UPARWON.FRM> not found.
File<DNARWOFF.FRM> not found.
File<DNARWON.FRM> not found.
File<SPLSON.FRM> not found.
File<SNEGON.FRM> not found.
File<TGSKLON.FRM> not found.
File<TGSKLON.FRM> not found.
File<NAMEON.FRM> not found.
File<AGEON.FRM> not found.
File<SEXON.FRM> not found.
File<SRD.FRM> not found.
File<SLD.FRM> not found.
File<MALEON.FRM> not found.
File<FEMON.FRM> not found.
File<UPARWON.FRM> not found.
File<DNARWON.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<WMAPLOC.FRM> not found.
File<WMAPTARG.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT1.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT2.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT2.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT1.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT2.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT2.FRM> not found.
File<WRLDSPR2.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<UPARWON.FRM> not found.
File<DNARWON.FRM> not found.
Can't load animation<WMDIAL.FRM>.
File<INVBUTDN.FRM> not found.
File<OPTIDN.FRM> not found.
File<CHADN.FRM> not found.
File<PIPDN.FRM> not found.
File<WMAPFGT0.FRM> not found.
File<WMAPFGT1.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPDS.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNDS.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPDS.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNDS.FRM> not found.
File<SLU.FRM> not found.
File<SLD.FRM> not found.
File<SRU.FRM> not found.
File<SRD.FRM> not found.
File<PIP.FRM> not found.
File<PIPX.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<CALLED.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<MOVEMULT.FRM> not found.
File<SPLSON.FRM> not found.
File<SNEGON.FRM> not found.
File<ALLBOFF.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<SPLSON.FRM> not found.
File<SNEGON.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<UPARWON.FRM> not found.
File<DNARWON.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
Interface initialization complete.
Item manager initialization...
Item manager initialization complete.
Hex field initialization...
Hex field initialization complete.
Engine initialization complete.
:/ I get the .cfg error after I press play, then the client opens, I see the image screen, it goes to title screen but it's frozen and I have no cursor.

Alright, it's not frozen, but I have no cursor.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 01:48:27 am by Argothman »
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #378 on: April 14, 2012, 09:20:05 pm »

Hi, I'm having the exact same problem as the person above me. I get DATAFILE2238. not found, it also says I have to run the updater but I had already updated the game and when I try it again multiple times it says the game is already updated, and when I run it the cursor is non-existant.

 I had also tried reinstalling the game various times but its not helping one bit.

Thanks for any helpful response.
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #380 on: May 03, 2012, 08:33:02 pm »

when i load my game, it says data files Datafiles2238.cfg not found , run updater. well i run the updater it says nothing new is needed. and ill hit okay after playing the game on that error screen, itll load just fine then when i log in my screen is black showing me my character and all the selections but it will not show my mouse up on the screen. any help would like it asap....


  • Guest
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #381 on: May 03, 2012, 08:37:32 pm »

when i load my game, it says data files Datafiles2238.cfg not found , run updater. well i run the updater it says nothing new is needed. and ill hit okay after playing the game on that error screen, itll load just fine then when i log in my screen is black showing me my character and all the selections but it will not show my mouse up on the screen. any help would like it asap....

1] Run FO2238Config.exe
2] Go to DataFiles tab
3] Set up paths to Fallout 2 master.dat and critter.dat
4] Press Save button
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #382 on: May 04, 2012, 07:39:16 pm »

1 ) installed fallout 2 from originial disc
2 ) downloaded the regular FOnline 2238 client
3 ) installed regular FOnline 2238 client
4 ) tried updating and playing, said couldn't connect to server on both
5 ) downloaded
6 ) extracted to my FOnline 2238 folder
7 ) went into 2238Config.exe and set paths for master.dat and critter.dat
8 ) still wont connect to server for updating or playing

EDIT: 8 ) put together without a space creates a emoticon. so i put a space inbetween it
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 07:41:58 pm by StJimmy2000 »


  • Guest
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #383 on: May 04, 2012, 09:48:37 pm »

1 ) installed fallout 2 from originial disc
2 ) downloaded the regular FOnline 2238 client
3 ) installed regular FOnline 2238 client
4 ) tried updating and playing, said couldn't connect to server on both
5 ) downloaded
6 ) extracted to my FOnline 2238 folder
7 ) went into 2238Config.exe and set paths for master.dat and critter.dat
8 ) still wont connect to server for updating or playing

EDIT: 8 ) put together without a space creates a emoticon. so i put a space inbetween it

Try,22146.0.html in clean folder.
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #384 on: May 11, 2012, 02:41:21 am »

I am receiving this error when trying to launch the game after update. The fix should be correcting the path to critter.dat and master.dat.

However, the option to do so under the game tab in the configuration menu has disappeared.

So, if I understand correctly, updating the game has removed my paths for critter.dat and master.dat and removed the option to create paths for them. What should I do?


  • Guest
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #385 on: May 11, 2012, 05:41:25 am »

However, the option to do so under the game tab in the configuration menu has disappeared.

It's in second config program, FO2238Config.exe.
If you don't have it, get the latest version of the client from,22146.0.html
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #386 on: May 21, 2012, 05:23:25 pm »

I already posted this elsewhere, but then I found this thread and it seemed like my inability to log in with one of my characters was probably more appropriate to address here.

When attempting to log into the server I get the following message -

    Connection established, authentication..
    Database error, contact server's administration.

The Character in question is named Vetris

I was able to create an entirely new character with a different name and was able to log into the server just fine which seems to suggest the problem is not an issue on my side of things but rather that there is some sort of problem with the character data for Vetris that is stored on the FOnline server.

To clarify, I logged out of the game this morning at around 6:45am (g.m.t) there was nothing unusual about the log out, I simply exited the game as per usual, when I came to log back in roughly 6 hours later the error message about the database flagged up.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to attempt to assist me with this issue.



  • Guest
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #387 on: May 21, 2012, 05:47:34 pm »

Thank you in advance for taking the time to attempt to assist me with this issue.

You can try one more thing on client side, delete all files in data\cache, except default.cache
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #388 on: May 23, 2012, 11:48:30 am »

edit: posted in wrong thread
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 10:38:50 pm by MRtrader »
Re: [Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in
« Reply #389 on: June 11, 2012, 12:44:05 pm »

I did that. Now it pops up an error message that says "d3dx9_42.dll. wasn't found" and suggest me to reinstall the game.

I'm going to do it. Let's see what happens...

Hello. I have the same problem. What should i do? It pops up "d3dx9_42.dll. wasn't found" and suggest me to reinstall the game.

God bless search button:
Try to update yer DirectX.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 01:15:17 pm by Wiktor_pl »
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