Other > Suggestions

Here in my car I feel safest of all

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--- Quote from: Swinglinered on April 19, 2010, 04:28:19 am ---(...) Failed luck check destroys tools and gives a 2 hour cooldown. (...)

--- End quote ---

Only 2h? Oh come on, let it be 5h. Or a day... wait, two days! Week?

Why can't we just put a merc stay in the car and prevent anyone from stealing it? Doesn't sound too irrational. Or just bribe the local guards to pay some extra attention on that car of yours.

If people can only see car spot if they are on or one away from the tile that the car is at (2 tiles if they have the Scout perk). That would be an improvement I think. If you get caught right next to NCR you are still screwed, but I think that makes some sense because everyone is going to be walking past you and moving around NCR.

And why people can safely steal your car at guarded town? Why guards ignoring him? Lockpicking a car must be almost the same as stealing an item.

What about car's signaling? Impossible to craft and be able to buy this feature somewhere at unguarded town. So if someone will try to lockpick your car even in sneak mode and this city is guarded, then he'll have some problems.


--- Quote from: RavenousRat on April 20, 2010, 12:48:21 pm ---And why people can safely steal your car at guarded town? Why guards ignoring him? Lockpicking a car must be almost the same as stealing an item.

What about car's signaling? Impossible to craft and be able to buy this feature somewhere at unguarded town. So if someone will try to lockpick your car even in sneak mode and this city is guarded, then he'll have some problems.

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Wait, you mean a car alarm? That's... An awesome idea!


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