This would made the game horibly slow I think. Also, what if your target go out of range before the end of ap regen for your weapon? Something that need less AP could just go out, shot, and go in without any risk.
Don't know. It seems pretty lame - you want to make a shot to a thief but you have to wait 4 seconds because of this system. I don't really want it.
I see nothing interesting in that snipers have to wait 7 seconds, while bigguners in these 7 seconds can run up to you and burst you in point blank. Still not want.
I would just change that, while moving your AP don't regenerate, when started walking the AP you had is cut to half, when started running, it is cut to 0...
About speed of AP regeneration, it should vary according to your total AP amount, but not as much as now.It would need careful balancing so that 12 AP BRoF guy with P90 just doesn't pwn all...
pvp is relatively balanced right now.
Balanced for powerbuilds.
No, the answer is balanced. What does it mean "balanced for powerbuilds"? Ofcourse the powerbuilds have better chances to win against ordinary builds.