Other > Closed suggestions

Tent alternative - wooden house

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You know what?

Technically, the map with the tent is loaded client-side, right?

If you don't intend to invite guests, you could build your own tent map using the original size and replace the original with your own 'skin'.
You could share the file with faction members, making a own touch to your faction's base.

All you need are templates for mapping.

The only thing i would suggest, is a 'blocker' item, which couldn't be dropped in cities by living or dead player(disappearing from inventory) (to prevent abuse) and which could act like a wall.
Also, to prevent confusion, the load process should make a difference between 'own' and 'guest' map.

Dark Angel:
I love that Idea. I hate tent , it for... caniball ;) . HOUSE FOR PEOPLE ! ;D

I like the idea, but, like other people have said, the resources to make such a house should be high, but if you make it high, then, as Izual said, there is the problem you can't carry all the wood required.

Maybe it should make it so that you start out with a tent using 10 Brahmin Hides, like normal, but then you go collect some other materials, upgrade and reset the map again, then some other materials, and finally you have a full little house. Of course the map would have to be reset every time an upgrade happened, so it would be suggested that you do it all at once before you turn it into a storage area.

Desert Pilot:
I love the overall idea and I also love Alvarez's idea!
Some people are loners and don't want to be in a guild or clan. They should have an equal opportunity to have a cool place for themselves.

As Izual said, there is another thread somewhere in the sea of thread...ness about houses and stuff, might go search for it later >.>
There was this thread: Housing !
But it would be nice to be able to upgrade your tent a bit :P If I can build a assault rifle out of some junk, metal pieces etc I would build a better home.


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