Other > Closed suggestions

Tent alternative - wooden house

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As I've played F2 today (as a substitute of my favourite drug, unavailable for now), I've got an encounter with Tin Woodsman.
Here are some screenshots:

Is it possible to make an alternative for well-known-and-beloved tents? Instead of using Science on 10 brahmin hides, player could use Science on 15 wood pieces with having a tool/hatchet in inventory. I know it is far from realism, but seriously - anyone needs fibers while placing a tent? And there would be need some, that's for sure.
It could behave like a tent, so after placing a house your tent would disappear.

+ nice alternative for a tent
+ map is ready to use (I guess)
+ two containers instead of one (crate at tent)
+ "home sweet home"

- it needs to be done by someone's hard work, unfortunately I don't know shit about coding and/or modding
- it is not the best time for "pimpin' teh game, dawg"

shit i love this idea.... kinda like player bases but for the lone wanderer who wants a pertay house.... i like the idea of having to craft it too atleast be able to buy houses from npcs?

you could even make it a random variable when building a player house? ex. you get a tent, a small wooden house, or a cave lol.... depending on where you are in the wastes? or if you stumble across a house in the wastes and build a tent there you get that house...

and as for those screenshots I actually tried keeping that location as my own player base in fallout 2 i cant remember what happended... I think i left my car there out of gas and got the green location for it but when i got there it was an empty wastes or the actual location .... i cant remember or it was the location but my items didnt stay ... eighter way I wanted it ... lol hope this one gets realized i'd love to have a freakin wooden house instead of a crappy tent.... 10 brahmin hides are way too easy to get anyways might as well make harder houses to craft that require much more skills and resources

I'm 100% sure it has already been discussed, but I was unable to find old thread using "Search" =|

So I'd say, if the devs have enough time to implement this, sure, go for it =p

(Note : 15 woods ? 20 woods ! 30 would be better but some chars couldn't carry it.)

good idea but will require more skill to build a house,maybe only characters with repair and outdor above 100% could make it. gathering 15 wood is easier than finding those 10 brahmin hides

It's so neat and I'm tired of camping. We got 50k in our bank accounts, shitload of superb stuff lying around and still we live in tents.


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