Other > Suggestions
Revaluate Melee/Unarmed classes
--- Quote from: Ombra on May 04, 2010, 06:06:55 pm ---I don't like to repeat myself, so simply read all over again.
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Listen Ombra ! He have good ideas for meele and unarmed characters !
I will reassert what I said about "Melee works fine as it is, even without your 'ooo i wanna run and attack' "
Arround 40x "Ahbobsaget was hit for no damage"
;D Gang 8)
--- Quote from: TheBob on May 05, 2010, 08:11:15 am ---I will reassert what I said about "Melee works fine as it is, even without your 'ooo i wanna run and attack' "
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- You slayed a bunch of noobs in Leather Jacket VS Metal Armor
- Maybe you was drugged with Psycho or they got lame weapons because of all that "No damage"
- You fighted mostly in closed rooms
So, sorry, but those screens prove absolutely NOTHING. Plus there is no special honor for that.
I doubt any of them had 21 or PvP build. Try to bring up fists/knife/hammer into real gunfight and we will see how you will do. Even if you could deliver 125+ dmg per hit (= 2 hits to kill) to anyone no matter his build/gear/drugs you would still fail most of the times just because of range you have to travel. Try to measure how long does it take to sprint 20 hexes long path. Its about 5 seconds. Plenty of time to burst two times or split your head in two with aimed shot. And most of the fights take place at way more than 20 hexes not mentioning the fact, that you can't hit moving target so just 2 guys with BB guns could kill you with decent cooperation.
HtH combat sucks in PvP. Its fact and its shame.
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