Other > Suggestions

Revaluate Melee/Unarmed classes

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Oh, well, then I'll totally make only unarmed char. ;p Don't you think it would be just a bit unbalanced ?


--- Quote from: Izual on April 16, 2010, 07:27:22 pm ---Oh, well, then I'll totally make only unarmed char. ;p Don't you think it would be just a bit unbalanced ?

--- End quote ---

Imho things like avv described in his post that I've linked could be very helpful and some nice examples can be shown at close combat.

It does not mean only HtH chars should have such skills. Its just an example because its easier to come up with some HtH stuff right away then thinking how something similar could be used at long range combat. But hey here are some for them too:
- possibility to deal wider splash dmg with explosives, rockets, grenades but slightly reduced dmg (if you know where to aim you know how to shoot so blastwave will hurt them all)
- truly aimed shots: eats shitload of APs (if you don't have enough to execute they will go below 0 and then regenerate) = they should affect hit chance mainly and dmg/crit only slightly
- spray and pray: point at the direction and burst, small chance to randomly hit targets at places you don't even know that are there = chance to penetrate armor but only few bullets per burst hit the target

Etc. These are just spontaneous brain storms but I think you got the idea.

Actually those ideas would be good if you mixed them (I think you meant to mix them) with the "unarmed styles" ideas. Like if Lo Pan taught you, you can do that truly aimed shots thing, if it's the Dragon then spray and pray thing. Just examples. But I also think it would be quite a hard word (of implementing and balancing) for such a skill. Unfortunately it's quite low-priority, since it's also a big change.

Well I think it could be quiet vice versa to what you say about balancing. Sure at first it would take enormous amount of braniacs thinking of all possible aspects and their outcomes, then trying to implement it (= fight with technical stuff) and then eventual live test maybe first with closed community and then at full scale update.

But when this initial huge pile of work is done I believe balance issues could be solved with more ease. I mean every build would have its own set of skills that differs it from others and it would not be just battle of numbers. Even tho powerbuilders would still exist with those perfectly counted SPECIAL stats and precisely chosen perks but these skills/abilities could provide some choice to develop your character by your personal taste. You want to snipe everything as most effectively as you can? Why not, but you will suck at everything else. Another guy might rather increase his grenade range+knockdown chance and he will pop up with an assault rifle in his hands from behind the corner and eat you alive with few quick bursts combined with those nasty grenades... Simply variety of skills and abilities that alter your character in combat or crafting/support/npc interaction are things that I'm looking for in future FOnline.

Edit: My brain was off when I wrote that strikeout part.

Yup, I agree with quite everything you said. It could also be exported to firearms with, again, special trainers, and you could only being taught by one in your entire life. It wouldn't be that complicated, I think. For example, one trainer could teach you how to do aimed shots with long range rifles (Sniper profession), another to burst with SMGs or P90C, another to widen range and to do more damage with grenades, etc, etc...


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