Other > Suggestions

Revaluate Melee/Unarmed classes

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Then my favourite rifle would be taken out from them stealthy weapons! Damn! Guess you can't haveth all.
:3 I put my hope on my previous idea of a silencer crafting upgrade. For subsonic guns only, ofc.

Be pretty hard to remain stealthy after the huge explosion with the trail of fire leading back to you. Did you read the article along the vid? 1 shot every 10 sconds with a bigger blast than a tomahawk using just a metal bullet.

 Would they change the predominant concept for the weapon in the series? I didn't like Fo3, but even there, a Gauss rifle is portrayed as a top of the tops stealthy sniper weapon.

I like how my thread on Fonlone HtH is now a thread on RL new weapons technology.

--- Quote from: Archaeon_dude on May 18, 2010, 06:48:10 pm ---I could not understand most of what Ombra said. Could you please clarify and expand?

--- End quote ---

Dunno what you don't understand but let's try again:

Silent Death is poor use. Why?

Because enemies automatically spot you 3 hexes away from them. Also you should be on the back of the enemy.
That means just one thing: you must run damn fast towards them (1 or 2 hexes away) and be damn fast to hit them (that means it's impossible to do a targeted shot if enemy isn't sleeping or afk) and also stay on his BACK. All of this approx. in 2 secs. And they have to be stationary and don't spot you before the 3 hexes limit or it's even worse.

Even if you are able to hit him and store a good critical, you have to hope to knockdown him or cripple his legs or he will simply escape from you and you can't do a shit while he's running.

Fair enough, huh?

That and my char usually crits for about 30-full hp, and the 30% i lose from not hitting eyes seems to be worse than the extra 10 dmg i seem to get from silent death.


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