Other > Closed suggestions
Why lvl cap is 21 ?
Mr Feltzer:
Dude, if the Cap was any higher it'd be CRAZY,
Take this for EG,
*Some level 51 Walks into Modoc*
*HE Pulls out a Mingun and Pwns everyone since they have all less than 100HP*
Get it?
Yeah he have an APA MKII 800HP and a vindicator. He start pown everything. But here come a noob with a BB gun. Eyeshot. Instant kill - over. Cool he have an APA!
Get it?
... lvl 23 wouldn't work if you had skilled right ? der?... might as well just leave it alone or make it so you dont get perks passed lvl 21 ? just skill points or hit points and old age ?
21 seems fine IMO
What wrong with the lvl cap now?
Its fine as it now. and what does +2 lvls matter?
whats the use? i really dont see it.
About the perks
No slayer/sniper needed in this game.
Its way to overpowerd anyway.
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