Other > Closed suggestions

Huge weapon's changes

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trolling attempt:
increase level to 25, 7 perks maximum (no more after lvl 21)


--- Quote from: Crazy on April 15, 2010, 12:10:14 am ---Want longer fight? A really easiest idea: no more level cap, and radically raise instakills.
With 500HP, you have a longer fight. You don't need a total rework of combat system...

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 This will make only bigger difference between no-lifers and normal players. Also most of Fallout weapons will be unused. Another easy idea?

--- Quote from: Yanglegend on April 15, 2010, 12:40:33 am ---This is not fantasy battle beetwen knight and dragon. i don't want to watch 2 staying character's chating/shooting/healing each other for few minute's.

We have gun's, granade's and rocket's here - longer fight's will kill all dynamics/realism/f2style combat system.

All fallout is about that - one lucky shoot/burst can win fight.

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 If damages from weapons will be 30-40 per burst, fights will not be many minutes longer, but longer enough to get FA or stimps, you will have chance to use different guns and nades and tactics and teams with less players will not be in such disadvantage.

 I have question for you? What is funny on situation, that you die in combat and you have chance to get there back in cca 10 minutes (if you have luck, in 5 minutes). As i know, fights are not so long that you will have chance to counter strike, if you die. In Counter strike game, if you die, you will have chance to pay it back in cca 2 minutes.. and you will have the chance, because enemy will still be there. I dont know system in WoW or in similar games, but i dont think that if you are all day looking forward for PvP, and you die in first crossfire, it is balanced system and it is ok.

 And, i have to disagree, F2 combat style is not fast, it is long (turn based) and it is created for single player, not multiplayer. So there is absolutely no need to stay in this system.


--- Quote from: Lordus on April 15, 2010, 02:05:03 am --- This will make only bigger difference between no-lifers and normal players. Also most of Fallout weapons will be unused. Another easy idea?

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On TLA in August there was no level cap, and everybody enjoyed the game. It was cool, we had better fights, we were more numerous, we had better gear. I know, now on 2238 it's quite different, because of quests, bigger map, crafting, TC... we got to find another solution. But... you want too more changes Lordus, it's very hard work to do and probably not the better ideas for this game. Got to find TEH way to improve the game ! But... it's long and difficult, as we all know.


--- Quote from: Gruik on April 15, 2010, 04:49:53 am ---On TLA in August there was no level cap, and everybody enjoyed the game. It was cool, we had better fights, we were more numerous, we had better gear. I know, now on 2238 it's quite different, because of quests, bigger map, crafting, TC... we got to find another solution. But... you want too more changes Lordus, it's very hard work to do and probably not the better ideas for this game. Got to find TEH way to improve the game ! But... it's long and difficult, as we all know.

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 At this moment, i have no time to spend ingame, because of my final exams. So i am looking for next era and i suggested this kind of huge changes. I hope, that combat will be more tactical. Today it is about clicking if you are biggunner, and double clicking, if you are sniper. Nothing between. As a sniper, it is better to aim eyes, because of instakills, instead of aiming to the hands and shooting weapons out of the hands or cripling. I have no time to change ammo type in my assault riffle in fight, because of enemy armors, and i have no reason to use assault riffle in fight, because it is unbalanced.

 What is the point of these fights.. Yes, i enjoyed them, but it is only (double)clicking, instead of thinking, choosing weapons because of fight condition etc.

 Imagine that possibilities, if you choose light attack commando against slower big gunner tanks. Hit and run tactic will be more useful, so bigger but unbalanced team will not have so big chance.

 Also, this will not be end of biggunners. They will still have LSW, so they can run, but if they choose minigun, they will have to make special formation and other players will have to protect them and they will start to more think.

 Boys, did you ever played i.e. Red Orchestra tank missions? If you have luck on good teamates, it is pleasure to attack enemy with tactic you choose and crush even more numerous enemy, if you use brain, your advantage and enemy disadvantage.

 But today, fonline pvp is reduced to 2 groups, enviroment is almost the same (and unlogic), so it is sad, because this game has very good combat potential.

+1 to Lordus.
Excellent ideas, but what can logic do against personal preferences of devs?


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