Other > Suggestions
Shotguns in Fonline
--- Quote from: Lordus on April 14, 2010, 02:11:11 pm ---As i said before, the problem is, that in wasteland after nuclear war, there are many hi tech guns like miniguns, rocket launchers, sniper rfiles laser rifles.. I would rahter see mad max guns, that this.
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Seconded. Top tier weapons should remain rare. But that's also devs vision, I think, so stay tuned. This kind of things is hard to balance.
--- Quote from: Izual on April 14, 2010, 02:15:14 pm ---Seconded. Top tier weapons should remain rare. But that's also devs vision, I think, so stay tuned. This kind of things is hard to balance.
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But basically every big gun and energy weapon does terrible damage except some 1st level guns. Every big gun after flamer is able to deliver huge ammount of damage from close range, whereas energy weapons cause hideous critical hits. You cannot balance the guns mad max style as long as there are 3 differend gun builds, unless you want that big guns use 90% of their time with flamer because other guns are considered rare due to their damage. Energy weapons would have to stick with laser pistol for same ammount of time for the same reasons, while small gunners would have lots of fun because of the great variety of differend low level weapons.
Johnny Nuclear:
--- Quote from: Lordus on April 14, 2010, 02:11:11 pm ---As i said before, the problem is, that in wasteland after nuclear war, there are many hi tech guns like miniguns, rocket launchers, sniper rfiles laser rifles.. I would rahter see mad max guns, that this.
Shotgun will be always useless, because this is short range weapon. I can imagine, that victim of robbery run tu the house, wait near corner, and when attacker enters the room, you will burst him by SG. But this is utopia, because he will have LSW/minigun with 3 bursts and zero penalty for using (speed, reloading,...) so you will die.
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or you will hit him to eyes for instant or knock
btw i think this is Fallout not mad max
--- Quote from: Johnny Nuclear on April 14, 2010, 04:14:22 pm ---or you will hit him to eyes for instant or knock
btw i think this is Fallout not mad max
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Dont worry Johnny, they were not able to balance guns in past 8 months, they are not able to do it in next year.
--- Quote from: Izual on April 14, 2010, 02:15:14 pm ---Seconded. Top tier weapons should remain rare. But that's also devs vision, I think, so stay tuned. This kind of things is hard to balance.
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OFF: Increasing crafting times/more resources wont help, as people wont stop crafting untill they get that item. Increasing the gun/ammo value only makes mines more crowded.
All weapon categories need unique advantages, over one another so they are desirable. And im talking about same tier weapons obviously... Pistols, shotguns, snipers, miniguns, grenades, melee etc. Well melee is dead as long as you cant run to target, and fast shot doesnt affect it(unarmed has higher chance to crit)
Pistols? Hmm if a crippled arm would prevent using 2h weapons then im sure more people would carry sidearms :S
Shotguns? What the others said, a knockback perk would be fine, BUT only for high tier weapons, so basic shotguns would still be a good choice for starting players
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