Other > Closed suggestions

sten gun katana

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Mars Sultan:
omg omg katana should do 50-100 damage and penetrate armor due to its superior nipponese craftsmanship omg omg

please, don't tell me you're serious, a broadsword would take down a katana any day when in the middle ages, the folding process that the smiths used was used to mainly strengthen the weapon to acceptable terms due to the crappy materials they had just so that the samurai would have a reasonably sturdy sword, and that's why europe kicks ass.

Thats oe big lie.

prove me wrong, simple as that, aside from that a knight would be able to kill off a samurai because of the superior armour they own, not to mention the shield, which can be used as a weapon as well as protection from the yumi (japanese longbow)

Yeah, there is a lot of "magic" around katanas due it's popularity in our subculture.

But that don't mean, that they were only sharp stick. There was different technique in creating swords, giving them more power. And what I heard, that unquality iron ore is one of urban myths and it's not so correct.


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