Other > Closed suggestions

sten gun katana

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Fuckyes, the postapocalyptic katana would balance the PA out, since it's made from adamantium, ROFL.
But actually, by editing sledgehammer frames, you could get decent sword animations.
But fat chances with that - 2238 doesn't need frame artists anymore, am i right?

Man, i just can't wait for the Cvet's SDK.


--- Quote from: Colombo on April 15, 2010, 12:29:48 pm ---Yeah, there is a lot of "magic" around katanas due it's popularity in our subculture.

But that don't mean, that they were only sharp stick. There was different technique in creating swords, giving them more power. And what I heard, that unquality iron ore is one of urban myths and it's not so correct.

--- End quote ---
please tell us more, expert on katanas

In b4 katana shitstorm.
You can't add new weapons, because devs want 2238 be as falloutish as possible. And that also means no robot crafting, no cyborgs, no asian culture references if they don't like it. Because it's their game, they even pay money for it and they won't comply to requests of sole people, (moreso if the request don't get effusive DO WANT of users) but of those of the community as the developers see fit in.

That's my humble opinion.

i never used word I WANT in my SUGESTION.....

DO WANT means massive support of the idea by users. Internet slang.


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