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What's with the instakill crits?

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Eyeshots take like 7 ap, you make it even harder to do all that will happen is people will have more skills into sg and less in a secondary capacity and it's already pretty even with bursters. 2 bursts take the same ap as one aimed shot more or less and the aimed shot has at most 65% chance to crit then a 1/5 chance to insta kill, while 2 bursts will usually make hotdog meat out of anyone.


--- Quote from: maszrum on April 11, 2010, 10:21:52 pm ---http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Critical_hit_tables ?

--- End quote ---

Wow, is this the one we're using? x3 is the minimum damage multiplier on a critical hit? Up to x8 damage? Is this definitely correct?

Compare it to vanilla, where the lowest is x1.5, and only the best eyecrits are getting x4 damage.

Damn. Crits are a powerhouse.

Edit: Disregard this, I am an idiot.

--- Quote ---Damage multiplier
This is divided by 2, so a value of 3 does 1.5x damage, and 8 does 4x damage.
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: maszrum on April 11, 2010, 10:21:52 pm ---http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Critical_hit_tables ?

--- End quote ---

your table looks like shit man. Here is right table
damn cant post link for some reason :D
its fallout.wikia.com/wiki/critical_hit just paste this link for official f2 crit hit table

People are also forgetting that for an eye shot to land your opponent must be facing you.

that's not even the right table


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