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Author Topic: In the future, 3d player clothes should have meanings.  (Read 831 times)

In the future, 3d player clothes should have meanings.
« on: April 09, 2010, 03:18:42 pm »

When we'll be getting 3d player characters in the distant future, I suggest that jumpsuits be scrapped and random clothes added.

My idea is as follows:
   There will be one or two sets of dirty ragged clothes depending on what location your character respawns in. This can allow others to judge that the character has not yet had time or didn't even want to change clothes and where he came from more or less.
   Once in a city, the player can choose to go to any general store and ask for clothes via dialogue. This should cost no more than 50 caps. Clothes obtained this way will be (slightly?) different for each city and not damaged in any way. Players should be free to change clothes whenever in a new city, but in random encounters this could help identify if a character is from these parts or travelled from afar, or is a member of some faction.
   To add to the mix, leather jackets and such don't really cover one's legs, so while wearing those, it'd be still possible to just barely tell what set of clothes a character is wearing. For metal armours maybe if players wanted they could be decorated by a few stripes or such if they went to an NPC faction's base and asked the quartermaster to do so. So members of NPC factions could be distinguishable too if they wanted others to see that.

I purposefully omitted Player Faction colours because with 500+ possible factions, we'd have rainbow-men walking around. Instead, maybe a text identifying them could be added when looking.
"You see a young man. His armour looks like he is from the XYZ gang. He has 50/480 HP."
A bonus to this one would be that as long as the armour is not "repainted" it looks like XYZ's even though you took it from someone's corpse.

Feel free to chip in if you have any ideas to improve the idea of clothes showing some extra information about characters.
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Mr Feltzer

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Re: In the future, 3d player clothes should have meanings.
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2010, 03:28:57 am »

YES I LOVE IT!!!! Screw Jumpsuits, you should be able to get Normal Shirts and Pants, Like Armour Called "GreenPants-YellowShirt" and you Equip it. And there you are Clothing.
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Re: In the future, 3d player clothes should have meanings.
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2010, 03:59:55 pm »

or a customisable jumpsuit with several preset looks if you are a VC citizen
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