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Author Topic: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?  (Read 6303 times)

(Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« on: April 08, 2010, 10:01:34 pm »

Hey fellow fonline players!

I'm in a bit of a trouble right here. I started playing this game 2 days ago and I'm really not sure how I want my character to be.
Being a sniper sounds nice to me, but I believe I will have some problems if I use this build:

5 Strength
10 Perception
6 Endurance
1 Charisma
5 Intelligence
6 Agility
8 Luck

Small Frame

Small Guns
First Aid

Okay.. since this is my first character, I need to know whether 1 charisma is going to give me big problems obtaining the armor and weapons that I need as well as to do quests and shop stuff. I currently have 0 friends playing this game so I won't get any help.
I have another question... if I change 10 perception to 8 perception and instead get 10 luck instead of 8, is it a good idea to use drugs?

I also want to ask another thing about drugs..
Let's say that I use drugs and boost my perception from 8 to 9 but get addicted and get 7 perception for some time instead. If I use cigarettes again let's say 10 minutes after I got addicted, will I get perception 8 or 9 then?

Is my intelligence too low for me to be able to craft any reasonable items? Is 6 agility good enough for a sniper?

Thanks alot for your help, feel free to answer any of my questions if you feel like it.


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Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 10:40:07 pm »

There are already so many "I want to be a sniper" threads, that you should go seach. There is no problem to answer once, twice...but hundred times, in few days. Just use -sniper -small gunner -critical -build tags. Please.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 10:41:41 pm by virus341 »
Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2010, 11:17:33 pm »

However.. the sniper threads seems to be more for those who already have mains and who are going to use the snipers as alts for PvP. The main reason for why I made this thread is because I wanted to know whether 1 charisma would make it very hard for me to obtain weapons and armor since I can't buy stuff in NCR.


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Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 11:22:13 pm »

You can, at Rawhide saloon. But if you really want to "play", I strongly recommend you to take 3 cha, and 6-8 int to raise crafting skills, so that you can take at least lvl2 of any profession you like.

(ok, 8 luck is waste, take 6, put those 2 into cha, 10 pe is waste if you are not the one who knows what his character is going to do, so take 8 and put those 2 into int, play one week and see what is for you and whats not)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 11:29:28 pm by virus341 »
Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2010, 11:26:36 pm »

Hmm.. wouldn't it be a good idea to take 1 point from endurance and put in intelligence, and instead use mentats for getting professions? (And stick with the rest of my build)


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Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2010, 11:32:01 pm »

I have edited my post. And end should always be even (4-6-8-10).
Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2010, 11:36:42 pm »

Alright, thanks alot for the help.. just what I needed. I'll try what you told me and if it doesn't suit me I'll adjust it later.. this way I atleast have a relatively proper build.


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Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2010, 11:39:32 pm »

don't listen! :) take S 5 P 8 E 4 C 1 I 7 A 6 L 10 small frame, (dump finesse), get your small guns at least to 230%, and outdoors to 100% should work then, for me it works fine. don't forget better criticals, more criticals and sharpshooter perks!

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Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2010, 11:46:58 pm »

Yeah then you would be able to
Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2010, 11:53:32 pm »

Alright Kharaam.. sounds interesting. How would I level up and get stuff though? Crafting and using mentats to learn maybe SG2 or SG3 later on?
But how do I start off?
Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2010, 11:57:07 pm »

Alright Kharaam.. sounds interesting. How would I level up and get stuff though? Crafting and using mentats to learn maybe SG2 or SG3 later on?
But how do I start off?
x1 mentat = questing till 4 or 5 lvl easy, also take quest "Join Raiders" instantly after you complete briefcase, because this quest can be in progress for ever, you can complete it later without returning to Metzger and worrying about reputation.
With high outdoorsman, when posting on forum, click to move your character somewhere on world map and press "alt+tab", alttab back if meet encounter, cancel it, and alttab again to forum. You'll get alot XP by this, if you're bored.
Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2010, 11:57:59 pm »

But how do I start off?
Find a big faction willing to give you stuff. Otherwise you'll have a hard start with 1 CH and a strictly PvP-oriented build.
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Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2010, 11:59:01 pm »

with 1 CH
Mentat's price at NPC = 450 caps, it means he'll get 4-5 lvl instantly.
Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2010, 12:01:32 am »

Alright thanks for the help. I have one question though.. if I'm going with Kharaams build, what trait should I pick more than Small Frame? Chem resistant? Bloody mess?


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Re: (Beginner) Main character - Sniper?
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2010, 12:02:37 am »

If he knows where to go to do them, where to go to find 450 caps, how not to die while buying them and how not to die while under thier effects.
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