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Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft

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--- Quote from: avv on April 11, 2010, 06:04:26 pm ---Wouldn't it make much more sense that everyone could use all guns, but eventually strong guys would prefer big guns, accurate guys would prefer long range rifles, agile guys would like to use pistols or smgs and energy weapons would be just rare post-war artefacts?

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I think energy weapons would be a good 'armor piercing' niche. Conventional guns could do more damage, but energy weapons would have an easier time punching through armoured opponents.


--- Quote from: Killy on April 11, 2010, 06:03:26 pm ---trolling ,dude u dont know how much is 2x2 go back to school, on top of that u are making stupid mistakes and calling other idiots at the same time, go back re read the topic and just... srsly  just go back to school

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That's trolling. And I'm not your dude kiddo.


--- Quote from: Killy on April 11, 2010, 05:34:11 pm ---dude go play some pvp, already people are using ca bh and miniguns, plasma nades and all max tier weapons, u had ur dream of making them "rare" as i said people already have floors full of them as long as they have no life ..

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So what is with that "mom, PvP suckz ass now" anyway? Do people have "floors with stuff", or they don't? Do people using CA and miniguns, or they don't? Do people afraid of losing this precious stuff, or they don't?
Decide and choose, because now you sound pretty, erm, unbalanced. And what is your point of writing all this? Simple trolling wouldn't be enough reason, so lets leave that.

And what the hell have donations common with game style?


--- Quote ---Making crafting more time consuming is not solving the problem
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Ah ha, wondered where my daily "crafting is actually generally a lot faster - including the ammo" would come from today.

Hope tomorrow's is equally exciting

It's a man-made hell. People who have nothing better to do than powergame are complaining that it's ever harder to powergame while normal players get angry that it's hard to be at the same level as powergamers.

Arrange fights in the desert via radio and bring your shotgun and jacket if you want PvP on equal grounds for low-levels. TC is unfortunately dominated by powergamers who use the best stuff available, even if it takes 20 hours to make one item.


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