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Author Topic: Add more quests.  (Read 11923 times)

Add more quests.
« on: April 07, 2010, 04:35:14 pm »

Pretty much every aspect of the game is thought in such a way that if you can't do it here, do it somewhere else. Or it's always possible.
There are many mines. There are many cities. Many respawn points are scattered. Multiple train stations and quests to discover trains.

So I suggest more quests allowing the player to join raiders or slavers guild because with the current state of things it's not possible to do so unless you're Russian.

A short and simple suggestion:
Disable option for militia to shoot anyone on sight.

No discussions here, no "this is bad, that is better" pointless disputes. Only question I want answered here is:

Does "Kill anything that moves" setting for Militia have any other use apart from griefing?
If your gang has enemies, he tags them. If you don't want your town overrun, then that's what militia is for, and they start shooting as soon as rebels start shooting.
So why would anyone except people who enjoy preventing others from playing game use this setting? What is it for?
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 10:12:50 pm by blahblah »
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Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2010, 04:39:43 pm »

Their town, their choice, none of your business. ::)
Moreover - pipboy -> status -> oh, those bastards are there again! -> don't enter -> no griefing.
Gang version - pipboy -> status -> oh, those bastards are there again! -> kill'em all, take the town -> PROFIT.

It's simple, yet people still fail to adapt.
Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2010, 04:44:55 pm »

It's not simple if the only quest to join the faction I want is in that city and it's under the rule of the same jerks for two days now.

Let's make ALL professions in ONE city and go see how you like that. It's pointless, game-spoiling, and brings nothing to the game.
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Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2010, 04:51:51 pm »

All professions are optainable in guarded locations except demolition expert. All factions are located in guarded locations except the Mordinos, and Reno isn't TC-available. What was that whine about again?
Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2010, 05:05:39 pm »

It's about preventing players from playing.

And I won't draw out this discussion any longer. Just give me an argument what is "Kill all in sight" useful for. I see no uses for it and that's why I'm asking and not saying to disable it without reason. If there is reason for it then fine. But so far, I see it only as something that jerks love and people with any morals stay away from.
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Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2010, 06:09:15 pm »

It's preventing people who are not welcome from entering the town. Did you even try talking your way in with a gang member? Did you offer a bribe? No? Oh well...

It's funny how people expect the devs to fix their own lack of creativity. This thread can be summed up to "those bastards killed me, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT QUEST, delete xyz"  ::)
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 06:13:27 pm by Nice_Boat »
Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2010, 06:12:58 pm »

I'm not supporting his post but just sayin'

Uranium: Only refinable in Broken hills, only obtainable there
Jerky: Modoc

There are other things you can ONLY GET in those towns that players can control. And I have been an avid supporter of taking crucial things out of death trap areas. (Also of stopping the requirements of having every major faction kill you on sight just because you want to craft instead of PK all day.)
Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2010, 06:17:33 pm »

i delete topic ´just one place to rafined uranium ore´ is possible reach the raf uranium... but must hide and sneaking... and passion...


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Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2010, 06:19:13 pm »

I'm not supporting his post but just sayin'

Uranium: Only refinable in Broken hills, only obtainable there
Jerky: Modoc

There are other things you can ONLY GET in those towns that players can control. And I have been an avid supporter of taking crucial things out of death trap areas. (Also of stopping the requirements of having every major faction kill you on sight just because you want to craft instead of PK all day.)

Yeah, it's an entirely separate issue. But then again, if you moved them to a safe location you'd get less player interaction. The problem I see here has nothing to do with resources, militia, town control etc., the problem is players come crying here instead of creating a workaround for themselves. I mean yeah, you can live without that profession/quest/resource. But then again you could always talk to the guys who are in control and buy your way in. You could always talk with another gang and join their reclamation effort. But instead of acting on your own  behalf you whine for the devs to "fix" stuff. Hopefully, they know better than that.


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Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2010, 06:30:27 pm »

It's preventing people who are not welcome from entering the town. Did you even try talking your way in with a gang member? Did you offer a bribe? No? Oh well...

Even though I agree with all this "their town, their rules" etc. There isn't a proper way to offer anyone a tribute rather than via irc. The game itself should provide means necessary for players to exchange needed information. Right now if you go to any unsafe town with peaceful intentions, you get just blasted no matter what you were trying to say.
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Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2010, 06:39:32 pm »

Even though I agree with all this "their town, their rules" etc. There isn't a proper way to offer anyone a tribute rather than via irc. The game itself should provide means necessary for players to exchange needed information. Right now if you go to any unsafe town with peaceful intentions, you get just blasted no matter what you were trying to say.

Yeah, having an interface for that would be neat and actually would help both sides. Because believe me or not, gang members are not interested in the "loot" they get from a  bluesuit or a low-level crafter. On the other hand, they're very much interested in keeping a share of what they dig out/craft or getting some money. The reason why unknown bluesuits are shot on sight is because they could be scouts or suicide bombers, not because all gang members are assholes. As far as assholes go, I'd say some New Reno dwellers and a few PK-loners take the cake.


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Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2010, 07:02:49 pm »

They should not earn money if people don't go to the city. A city without people is a dead city, a dead city has no money. That way they should actually do something about "town control", and make people want to go to the city.
example: -Klamath is taken by the X Gang, they kill everyone that enters, that way they get no money at all, even they could get a penalty. People stops going to the city.
             -The Den is taken by the Y Gang, they have players watching the streets, they have a trader with good prices, and they have contests giving away metal armors. A lot of people starts coming to Den,  and the Y Gang gets a lot of caps.

That's how we can make Town Control useful for everyone. Of course they can have they're rules, but they wont make a rule that makes them lose money...

Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2010, 07:11:38 pm »

It's a shame, but southerners and northerners are playing different games. They only interact when they're forced to.

So, yeah. I don't know what to do. It seems ridiculous that there's this huge divide. I don't know how you integrate the two worlds, either. Any attempt to suit things to either group is just going to lead to the other being pissed off.

I vote the south succeeds from the 2238 Union.
Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2010, 07:14:53 pm »

They should not earn money if people don't go to the city. A city without people is a dead city, a dead city has no money. That way they should actually do something about "town control", and make people want to go to the city.
example: -Klamath is taken by the X Gang, they kill everyone that enters, that way they get no money at all, even they could get a penalty. People stops going to the city.
             -The Den is taken by the Y Gang, they have players watching the streets, they have a trader with good prices, and they have contests giving away metal armors. A lot of people starts coming to Den,  and the Y Gang gets a lot of caps.

That's how we can make Town Control useful for everyone. Of course they can have they're rules, but they wont make a rule that makes them lose money...

That's an interesting idea but it's too easy for a gang to make 100 alts and log them into the city to exploit for "traffic reward".  You'd have to do it so they'd get a % of the caps value of everything traded there, or something.
Re: Town Control and Militia. Again.
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2010, 07:19:43 pm »

Ignoring the fact that town militia shooting everyone on sight is already a retarded idea let's try to rethink that.

Their town, their choice, none of your business. ::)

I's not "their" town. City pays money to protect them - read: they don't kill travelers and inhabitants. If they don't hold their part of bargain they should be kicked out of the town even if it's a hopeless fight.

Remember that militia are not gang soldiers. Those come from city population and should turn on controling gang in such circumstances. Unfortunatelly there's no way to judge when a gang "crosses a line". The best option would be to remove such option (shot everyone on sight).

In short there should be a rule: "you're to stupid to control town? Go back to your cave."
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