Other > Closed suggestions
Add more quests.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on April 08, 2010, 11:24:24 am ---As much as I agree it's a harsh world, and TC faction can do whatever they want, I think there should be some economy-based penalty for keeping the town a place of killing random people who arrive. If you rule the town like North Korean death camp, you can't expect that it will prosper. For example less caps could be generated in town merchants, or maybe there could be some "traveling merchants" added who would avoid places where a lot of people are killed without a reason (who don't attack/steal/block) etc.
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Of course it should. Only that the devs tried to do sth like that ONCE and in some way it didn't worked as they wanted. Starting from that time, they automatically turn down any idea like that, as it 'won't work anyway'. That's strange, players from TLA are sometimes the same people who play 2238 and still, they can organise themselves to keep a city safe (at least from time to time ;]), yet 'our' devs are sure that there is no way to encourage gangs to actually protect their cities... dammit, of course gangs are making a massacre there right now, while it is just easier than move one's ass and do something more complicated than killing people on sight :P
(IMHO most people of TC towns should have moved out from there a long time ago, who can stand living on the frontline?)
I realise that PvP guys ARE a large part of our little society here and that there must be an organised way of large PvP actions, or 'wars', gangwar is very Fallout, isn't it? BUT I also think things like TC won't ever work too good as current TC gangs simply aren't interested in nothing else than killing and quickly getting money and resources for killing. Unless there is a working alternative of organised PvP, town control has to stay. When (or rather if) there will be another thing like this implemented, the TC can then safely change into sth more connected in actually controlling/defending a city.
It is little sad, that pre wipe biggest anti PK faction (NAlliance) is still enough big, but they are PK now. Before wipe, there was reason for this big alliance, because it was created against hostile world and other PK. Now, it is only because of afraid of loosing in combat with other players. It is sad, because i think that in current TC mechanism, they will be more succesful with they previous goal, to make Den city safe.
It is harder, but i think more satisfying, if you see that pure PvP city is safe for people. But try to explain this if you looking to mad Cajuns eyes :)
so, NA is evil now, huh... :-\ ... well, my trips to the north have been cancelled indefinetly until some "good" guys will come into the picture...
I know it's not really a solution, but try to go to the norther towns at night, when they're not crowded. Arm yourself, there could be still some individual and shoot them in the face when you see them. Unfortunately there is no other way...
yeah, and being a doctor kinda puts me at a disadvantage, although i still have some levels to boost my weapons skills.
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