Other > General Game Discussion
Something amazing just happened
Man, I never noticed the "evil Russians/Poles/Czech" thing.
Perhaps they stand out more because the language is different.
I've been PKd twice, once by some kind of US/Canada/UK person, and once by a gang of Czechs.
woop de doo
actually i get along fine with most people ive met that were czech, they would actually try to speak to me instead of just shooting me outright, basically the only groups of people ive been pk'd heavily by have been russian and pols and thats how I formed my opinion. Granted this is all based off my personal experience
same here, except they kill me because i speak both languages
, and a bit more (6 in total so far, i seem to be a natural with them, except for french, don't get more than oui, and bonjour, andsome other , the point is i can't speak french, even though i want to)
me: wait, don't shoot
them: (translated) why not?
me: (translated) i'm russian by birth actually, so if you'd please just let me go...
them: (translated) you die now, pig.
--- Quote from: Aricvomit on April 08, 2010, 05:51:09 am ---basically the only groups of people ive been pk'd heavily by have been russian and pols
--- End quote ---
Funny, exactly the same as me, and it doesn't help much that my char has polish nickname or polish is my native. Still I can't tell that "these f*king Russians/Poles" are the only assholes on server. They are just the most numerous, and that's why chance to meet an asshole from these nations is more probably. You think that if there was advantage of Yankees, all around will be peace and love?
WTF is happening with this damned rollbakcs? Yesterday I logged off at ~22:30 (+2 GMT) in leather jacket + deagle + 40 .44 mag FMJ in VC. Today at ~13:30 (+2 GMT) I logged in and.. I'm in VC, but in bluesuit, with 1 metal part and "G'n'B" book. Strange rollbacks...
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