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--- Quote from: Aricvomit on April 08, 2010, 12:33:51 am ---
Hehehehe, you should know by know. If ya live in the U.S. and dont know how to read, speak, or write in English normal Americans are gonna realllllllly not like you, as your making it a pain in the ass to even deal with you. besides this game is intended to be played by people that read english hence why all npc dialouge is in english. maybe thats why russians end up being pks all the time because they cant pve because they're illiterate.

--- End quote ---

Fallout was way bigger in the "Eastern Bloc" than in US and Western Europe.

Player base skews the demographics away from the original implementation.

Perhaps a pictogram communication system that floats above heads would be doable. Have a menu of signals like International Road Signs.

I think pictures work better, because if you don't understand Russian you will still get the meaning.  :P

Again this American facist.
I'm not Russian, I'm Pole. My char has a name with latin letters, not cyryllic. I'm not PK, rather being PK'd, and I don't split people between native english and non-native as long as I can understand them a bit. I even don't care about nationality of every player I meet, why should I.
Is there something wrong with me? In which box you want to put me, mr. Aricvomit? And what about MDK, which is, AFAIK, american PK-gang? They are fine, becuase they kill these f*king Russians?

I hope, that if there are a bunch of PK-ing russians out there, that they at least can tell the difference of english char-names and swedish ones :p

But then again, i would love for Fonline to support the Å Ä Ö-letters that we use in swedish (sounding like, Å like the "o" in York, Ä like the "A" in Los Angeles, Ö like most "uuh" sounds, or the "u" Pittsburgh... Insta-Swedish ftw.. :p)

does fonline support ascii? (can it not support it..?)

And in general, i dont think people PK so much for ppls nicks, its just a reflection of themselves in the real world, or a way to be evil to other people, if they can't be that IRL. Im friendly (somewhat anyways) IRL, and like to play as a friendly character, although wanting to be able to smack a ton of bricks worth of damage into the face of a random raider... does that make me evil.. or just sadistic? ^^

the box id put you in is labeled douchebag, and as for being a facist i consider myself more of a freedom fighter to the oppressed english speakers of the wasteland, you fight for what you want and ill cover my end, im not asking or telling anyone to do anything they dont wanna do, bottom line is you call me a facist and i call myself a nationalist. just because im looking out for my people doesent mean that im hitler, jeeze the bashing of english speaking people in fallout online has been pretty prevalent as far as i can tell so the minute i step up of course people arent going to like it, everyone hates americans because we wont put up with shit, and as for the whole pol thing, yeah im not fond of pols either because they're a hairs breadth away from the crap russians pull, instead yall just roam around and pk while speaking in polish and when you show up and ask polak or whatever it is you say and i say no, english and they shoot well of course im gonna form an opinion.

Oh an we dont associate with MDK, and nor would we, my gang is an anti-pk crew, allthough we wont hesitate to pop russians because they dont hesitate to kill us. We dont kill indiscriminately


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