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Author Topic: Few suggestions for patroling units/caravans any npcs you can meet in wasteland  (Read 905 times)


  • King of the wasteland
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1 About condition of these npcs stuff

Ok these npc's you can encounter have different abilities to obtain stuff, thus condition of items they have should differ not be totally random. For example vc patrols or enclaves or bos shouldnt have a problem to get new stuff, have enough scientist and specialists to keep their gear at fine condition. Now it looks kinda silly to find someone having APA which you never seen before and gun with 84% detoriation... So my suggestion is poor strenght of npc or group - poor condition of their equipment and vice versa.

2 Strong slavers and vault city relationship

strong slavers same as slavers are not hostile, but once you get a little closer they shot you (and its still quite far distance). But as i understand strong slavers are looking for potential servants to vault city, and if im vc citizen they should defend me not hunt me same as vc patrols or caravans.

3 Unity patrol rework

In f2 Unity patrol was united ghouls humans and mutants forces to patrol around bh ( find unity patrol), so i would suggest to add them near bh as they should be (since fonlines unity patrol looks very similar to them) and make them bh faction instead of cathedral. And expand area of remains of masters army from v13 to mariposa as it was in f2, since its 2238 between f1 and f2 they should be in this area. Also i would suggest some deathclaw encounters around v13 for similar reasons. Cheers.

4 Resistance/Attack or something. Story play encounters

So most of us have many dialogues in game, fallouts stories in web and so on. We do know that for example raiders are hired by bishop to attack vault city, brotherhood vs enclave or unity are biggest enemies, new reno is reddings drug dealers. So according to story, we have many different problems between npc factions, but what we have in reality of fonline? Every faction just "patrol" in their area, and no conflicts fights or something like that happens and my suggestion would be to change that by adding special real time encounters (tb could be possible too, but i think it would lose all impression then and would be just a regular encounter). So for example you enter special encounter "Vault city caravan trying to resist raiders attack) lets say in VC-BH area. Something like 3-4 guards 1 merchant, all of them have a little increased stats comparing to normal vc caravans you can meet, and like 15 raiders attacking them. You have option to leave, help fight one or another side, or try to kill all (well in this encounter helping raiders would result in last option since they are hostile). And if you for example help vc and vc wins, they go like "hey thanks for help man we couldnt have survived without your help, here is some shit to you" Rewards should be kinda small (for example assault rifle, mentats or something and minor reputation changes both with vc and raiders)  since the action should be biggest reward, and of course you can try to loot something. So other encounters could be like "BOS soldiers trying to drive out hostile remaints of mutants)", "BOS soldiers fighting ENCLAVE troops for get their hands on Mariposa technologies", "Slavers meet trappers resistance while trying to enslave them", "Redding citizens trying to get rid of new reno drug dealers", "Enclave dealing with deathclaws of unsuccessful experiment" "VC trying to break ghouls of gecko" and etc. I think it would add more colours and fun into the game.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2010, 11:11:46 pm by vedaras »


  • Same nick in IRC
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Good ideas all in all.
Especially it would be nice if NPC groups had other behaviour modes besides "slow" and "kill", like caravans that trade with PCs (is it possible to have caravans store their goods in "off map containers" like the traders in FO2? That is, you can't loot their trade goods when you kill them, just their basic kit) and NPC-faction patrols like the ones described in "2 Strong slavers and vault city relationship" section of the original post.

3 Unity patrol rework

... Also i would suggest some deathclaw encounters around v13 for similar reasons. Cheers.

As a sidenote (going a bit off topic here, sorry) wasn't the Vault 13 invaded by Enclave around the same time they captured Arroyo villagers? At the Oil Rig the village elder mentions that there were "people from the Holy Thirteen" in the vertibirds when they were captured and the shrinekeeper in Vault 13 says that he was outside the Vault 13 for a while and when he got back it was populated by the Deathclaws instead of people. That's to say that by 2238 Deathclaws would still be enslaved by the Enclave or they had just made their escape.
"Se on psykosomaattista!"
- Nipsu


  • King of the wasteland
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Well actually i had in mind not only deathclaws from enclave experiments, they just seem to live in there...


  • King of the wasteland
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now i dont get it at all. For joining slavers you get +500 reputation with vc, i agree with this, vc needs servants they dont mind slaving. But for killing strong slavers round vc, who searches slaves for vc you get +1 rep to vc for each kill. That makes no sense, and you no longer get reputation for killing ghouls, which do not make sense neither.

Yeah it would be nice to be able to get more +rep for killing people in random encounters.  It's too easy to get negative rep with a misplaced shot or two.

Your ideas sound like they'd add another good dimension to the game.  I hope they get implemented.
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