Other > Closed suggestions
See what limbs are crippled
The whole "crippled limbs" are somehow bugged. I can see it on completly OK peoples.
When you see someone with crippled leg you can clearly see that he has leg broken or damaged... You don't need doctor experience to see that ;] And if someone got bleeding eye it's impossible to not recognize it as an eye damage.
Seeing which part is broken - ok
High doctor skill req: no
I think doctor over 50% should be enough. Maybe even 100% (or 50) FA to see enemy's health. And the same should go for gun skills. If your small guns skill is over 50% you somewhat know what you're doing and can probably at least recognize the gun if your enemy has a small gun. So with 50% of any weapon skill, you can identify the weapon if your enemy is holding it. The alternative would be to take awareness and you get all of this information.
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