Other > Closed suggestions

Items aging

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Leaving your stuff on the ground exposes it to influence of sand, cockroaches and other nasty things you wouldn't think of. :)  How about introducing time-dependent deterioration of items? Such deterioration would affect only stuff left on the ground, not the ones stored in containers.
For example: in one real-time day each destroyable item laying on the ground gains 1% deterioration, and after it's broken there is a chance that it decomposes (like using on it low-skill science).
After some time gangs as well as alone players have shitloads of stuff laying here and there. Such a feature could affect a little bit the quantity of it. It would also encourage players to get some additional containers if there was such an option in game.

hell yeah but make it one game day per 1% instead of one real day.

It was suggested already and its one of the worst suggestion ever.

As said in the other thread, I think it's a good idea. And as said above, sooner or later players will have huge amounts of useless items laying everwere in bases, tents etc. This would prevent it a bit. If the wasteland is so harsh as everyone is saying, items should also suffer from sand, time etc.

I suggested it here: http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=2432.0

And for some reason everyone and their dogs were saying "this iz shit man" whereas here you've got even two people supporting you instantly. No fair.


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