Other > Closed suggestions
Craftable crates boxes
You are enjoying when you must go there and take bilion things from ground where you dont see number of this item and etc. In chest you can stock for example only resources or something, better than on ground.
--- Quote from: Hololasima on April 01, 2010, 09:32:05 pm ---You are enjoying when you must go there and take bilion things from ground where you dont see number of this item and etc. In chest you can stock for example only resources or something, better than on ground.
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Because of you server is overloaded ;p
Don't store billion of crap. Sell it or drop in NCR or, better, on wrold map, or don't even pick up, or just disassemble everything is disassembleable. Why do you need that 435238954 10mm pistols? 3475864 deteorated leather jackets? 94858564 shotguns? 345839 flamers? I don't have crap at my tent (only items from unlucky "followers" from NCR who died in "Exit Grid", so I can't pick it up...), I have only items I will use, other I drop/disassemble/sell/throw at someone.
--- Quote from: vedaras on April 01, 2010, 09:41:58 pm ---buy caravan.
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Omg, he is a genius.
--- Quote from: Hololasima on April 01, 2010, 08:50:42 pm ---It will be really helpfull if you will add craftable chests or small boxes to game. For example only one per player.
Simple wood chest is one of most simple thing on world so i think that its not too big problem have craftable chest in game.
If you dont have space in tent, dont want taking items from ground in all base, or you want have order in your things so chest is best solution for you !
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buy caravan.
Why ? Why i cant have my own new chest ? Why i must go to NCR and buy caravan ?
Seems that every simple solution for something is everytime bad.
Caravan ? Imagine 10+ caravans in base, parked randomly - yes, its a mess.
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