FOnline Development > Questions and Answers

How to do it (brahmin pens and experience)?

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I have a problem on my server that no one wants to solve. Brahmin pens full of shits. I'd like to set the same amount of caps and experience for every tidy shit (same at level 1 and 99). Is this possible? And if yes, where and what I must change to do it?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


--- Quote from: Powerack on June 14, 2019, 08:03:24 pm ---Is this possible? And if yes, where and what I must change to do it?

--- End quote ---
Everything is possible. Find the script which is responsible for shit spawning, and put there a part which will be conditional for the spawns in specific areas.

My tip: You can use polygons for it.
Example algorithm:
if(not max dung count is in specific area)
    spawn dung;
    don't spawn dung;

If I remember right, we had brahmin shit cleaning NPCs. Maybe you should assign some of them.

Powerack is running Reloaded S2 SDK for sure, and there's no cleaning NPCs.

And the second part of my question was how to set the experience and payout to the same level for both level 1 and level 99 characters.


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