Author Topic: Players and fonline future  (Read 16954 times)

Players and fonline future
« on: January 10, 2019, 07:43:33 am »
Hi all, i play fonline since years. Yesterday i played fonline 2 and reloaded and asked myself...why we lost so many players ?
These server and dev work are incredible, but, what do these server need to bring back fallout addict ?
Ps: fonline aop was my favorite, is this still wip ?

« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 07:48:01 am by doon »

Offline Wipe

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Re: Players and fonline future
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2019, 02:45:42 pm »
AoP is still worked on, they just went underground and it's pretty hard to find any info about the progress [outside of their discord]
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Re: Players and fonline future
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2021, 12:15:02 am »
I miss 2238 every day...
The reality as I saw what happened:
Everybody switched to Reloaded from 2238, which was good, but had its problems.  For example in 2238 the vendors only restocked caps every hour and only 10,000 caps each so caps were in high demand
In Reloaded they 'fixed' that and made it so caps were basically worthless, no matter how many you had, nobody wanted to trade for them.
The high quality ores/minerals timer in 2238 kept the economy in balance, in Reloaded everything became too abundant and so nobody had a real need to PvP.
With all that said, Reloaded was still very good, UNTIL season 3, when they gutted PvP.
This caused the game to die, as all the players who switched to Reloaded from 2238 simply quit because of the PvP change, myself included.  Also town control was never close to what it was in 2238.
No worthy successor has come since then, and even if one did come along, we don't have the hype we used to have of 'an online Fallout game'.
It would take some big youtubers to bring attention to it, but there is nothing good to bring attention to currently sadly :(

Re: Players and fonline future
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2021, 03:33:09 pm »
A lot of people don't like dumb updates as we may often encounter them, that's all .....only people leave, people are pissed off playing something they don't like anymore!!!  :P

Offline Wichura

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Re: Players and fonline future
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2021, 08:52:10 pm »

I've played on 2238, TLA mkII, FO2, Reloaded, FO3, Requiem and probably some more I've already forgot about. Hours and hours of fun and feeling of time well wasted spent. I still play once in a while here or there, but not even close to no-life marathons anymore though.

These server and dev work are incredible, but, what do these server need to bring back fallout addict ?
Nothing can be done about it, way too late. Like 10 years too late. The real Fallout addicts still remaining around FOnline This or FOnline That are just a handful of dust, blown away by wind one by one. Advertising over antisocial media and YouTube won't change much in long term. FOnline has nothing to offer and is unable to attract people who never played Fallout 1 or 2 and is discouraging and ugly for those who played Fallout 3 or 4 only.

Everybody switched to Reloaded from 2238, which was good, but had its problems. 
Well yes but actually no. Just before Reloaded's been launched, there was a premature release of FOnline 2. So no, not "everybody switched to Reloaded" as numbers in the beginning of FOnline 2 were significant and hard to ignore.

The high quality ores/minerals timer in 2238 kept the economy in balance, in Reloaded everything became too abundant and so nobody had a real need to PvP.
Timers/cooldowns were simple pain in the butt and economy never existed in any FOnline, regardless of the developers' efforts. Experienced or smart enough players were always finding a way around any limits, cooldowns, restrictions etc., so it was neverending battle impossible to win. War, war never changes...

With all that said, Reloaded was still very good, UNTIL season 3, when they gutted PvP.
This caused the game to die, as all the players who switched to Reloaded from 2238 simply quit because of the PvP change, myself included.  Also town control was never close to what it was in 2238.
Yeah, that was a massive gameplay change and since playerbase got used to full loot feature for years, bringing it with season 3 was a great shock. However it makes a paradise for casual players, all 15 of them, others just vanished like tears in the rain. Surprisingly for myself I have to admit I was totally wrong in my predictions after no loot became a thing there. Obviously there is not enough Mad Max Wannabes around to rush the Reloaded and enjoy it.

No worthy successor has come since then, and even if one did come along, we don't have the hype we used to have of 'an online Fallout game'.
It would take some big youtubers to bring attention to it, but there is nothing good to bring attention to currently sadly :(
Oh come on, you have some alternatives, look:
Checking details of every server leaves no doubt - numbers are stable for long time (years...), playerbase seems to keep them solid. I can't see a single reason for this situation to change, FOnline idea expired and dropped down into a niche for just a few sentimental adults with bills to pay and children to look after. Nothing is given forever.

To sum up, which FOnline to play?
- FOnline2 - if you don't mind everybody has everything due to 5+ years season and the only fun is gang wars/toilet control
- FOnline3 - if you don't mind short few months seasons, random changes of random stuff, lack of balance, chaos and weird things all over the place
- Reloaded - if you don't mind playing multiplayer game in singleplayer mode or if you and a bunch of other casuals have couple of evenings to feed nostalgia while shooting raiders, caravans and such like
- Requiem - if you don't mind cyrillic alphabet and want to see how 2238 should look and feel like in 2010 to keep hundreds of Fallout fans
« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 09:37:03 pm by Wichura »
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Offline Merle

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Re: Players and fonline future
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2021, 07:54:35 pm »

I can't see a single reason for this situation to change, FOnline idea expired and dropped down into a niche for just a few sentimental adults with bills to pay and children to look after. Nothing is given forever.

Wichura dropping truth bombs :)

I still hold 2238 in my fondest memories. FO2 after that (hopefully a new season will start in the next 10 years).

And perhaps one day, "someone will make a niche server for hardcore madmax wannabes, with tier 2 as top one, and places to visit and scavenge instead of fighting in swarms, with that thrilling feeling and survival as main goal; not roleplaying a miner from Pennsylvania." ; )

P.S. Hope you're healthy & doing well (in Gdynia, iirc). All the best to you and we'll see each other in the wasteland... one day.
Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn't you tell the world, EH?

Offline Wichura

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Re: Players and fonline future
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2021, 08:22:10 pm »
And perhaps one day, "someone will make a niche server for hardcore madmax wannabes, with tier 2 as top one, and places to visit and scavenge instead of fighting in swarms, with that thrilling feeling and survival as main goal; not roleplaying a miner from Pennsylvania." ; )
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay,
I sleep all night and I work all day.

Well, yeah, we've been through that before.
I'm afraid it's not possible for people like us to become a FOnline virgin again. Maybe if such Mad Max Wannabe Friendly Server will move to Nevada, New Mexico or elsewhere with said tier 2 as top one, maybe if it's all about survival and none about turboplasmas, then there's a slight chance for refreshing experience among good ol' universe. But for a slight chance and a bunch of weirdos nobody will bother to make a dedicated server. Reloaded is as close to casuals, rookies and Mad Max Wannabes as possible at the moment.

P.S. Hope you're healthy & doing well (in Gdynia, iirc). All the best to you and we'll see each other in the wasteland... one day.
I'm okay mate, thanks. Moved out from Gdynia elsewhere though. See you some sunny dusty day.
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