Author Topic: Newbie in modding Fonline  (Read 7041 times)

Newbie in modding Fonline
« on: November 16, 2018, 10:06:22 pm »
Hello dear travelers  8)

I'm new here, and I would like to start my new adventure in modding/addding my stuff to already existing servers.
Can you show me where I could find tools (which one I will need) and tutorials (from which I can learn basics) about adding my own guns,armors and items into the game?

Is there any tutorial how to make and add new animations for new armors?

I'm waiting for anyone willing to help me :)

Re: Newbie in modding Fonline
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2018, 10:32:09 pm »

First of all start from Slowhand's modding FOnline SDK basics but it's mostly about scripting and some mapping (Kilgore's tutorial). I don't know any tutorials related to adding custom sprites but you probably could find some on Fallout's modding websites such as No Mutants Allowed.

For SDK:
1. Download FOnline Reloaded 2 SDK:
2. Basic SDK tutorial:,29789.0.html
3. Mapper tutorial:
4. Advanced SDK tutorial:,29834.0.html
5. Scripts overview:,29835.0.html

For adding items:
Browse No Mutants Allowed website, you will need tool such as Photoshop, GIMP or any other for editing sprites and creating fancy arts.

Re: Newbie in modding Fonline
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2018, 11:04:47 am »
Known solutions:
1st: Read a lot of docs and have many questions.
2nd: Find a teacher.

Re: Newbie in modding Fonline
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2018, 01:42:01 pm »
Known solutions:
1st: Read a lot of docs and have many questions.
2nd: Find a teacher.

Can you teach me, senpai-kun?

Offline Wipe

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Re: Newbie in modding Fonline
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2018, 09:20:35 pm »
New critter animations for Fallout/FOnline is not something what i'd recommend to anyone - no matter if they just started or are hardcore 20y-of-modding veterans :D That stuff can take YEARS, depends which set(s) and which critters you have in mind. Even editing existing ones is crapload of work.

Sticking to static stuff have a higher chance of success; while adding guns/armors depends on server policy and is usually black-white (deny everything or put everything), it might be welcome on NMA. And anything related to maps is a hot stuff everywhere if it's falloutish enough ;)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2018, 09:23:03 pm by Wipe »
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Re: Newbie in modding Fonline
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2018, 05:44:31 pm »
New critter animations for Fallout/FOnline is not something what i'd recommend to anyone - no matter if they just started or are hardcore 20y-of-modding veterans :D That stuff can take YEARS, depends which set(s) and which critters you have in mind. Even editing existing ones is crapload of work.

Sticking to static stuff have a higher chance of success; while adding guns/armors depends on server policy and is usually black-white (deny everything or put everything), it might be welcome on NMA. And anything related to maps is a hot stuff everywhere if it's falloutish enough ;)

Well, I'm quiet mad, but not so mad to make new animations from scratch :)
I would rather edit/mix some animations like metal armor and sand robe, add whole animation for all weapons for black robe etc.
Just to have a great purpose to add new armor in-game :)

Re: Newbie in modding Fonline
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2018, 04:49:40 pm »
For your own personal use i would recommend Olympus 2207 critter art, than can expand your variety base significantly. Ant it is a top quality content. I also asked devs if i can use it for a public project, and they approved. They have english support forum too.
Adding stuff in Fonline generally easier than in Fallout 1/2, you can edit prototypes by hand, using any text editor available. I would recommend notepad++.
Also, when adding critter art, put it into a zip archive. Easier to handle that way)